
We Humans

By @zerty in General Literary | Reads: 266 | Likes: 0

I stared out of the window and looked at the sky. I saw the birds flying in flocks, creating different patterns in unity, guiding each other. That's amazing! Because these wild creatures too have discipline, they have a routine to follow. And we humans, have so much to contribute to the society ,ins  Read More...

Published on Mar 29,2020 06:08 PM

The Place

By @zerty in Poetry | Reads: 691 | Likes: 0

Take me to the place Where there is chaos but Peace prevails. Take me to the place That we haven't explored but Seems like a déjà vu to me. Take me to the place  Where wonders happen And Time ceases to exist.  Read More...

Published on Mar 29,2020 05:22 PM

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