Jayasudha Bhaskaran

A Physicist by profession and an aspiring writer by passion
A Physicist by profession and an aspiring writer by passion


By Jayasudha Bhaskaran in General Literary | Reads: 1,771 | Likes: 17

The family lived in a small thatched hut which was about to fall off. The hut was abandoned by the owner as it was damaged.They claimed the ownership of the hut from then on as they had no permanent place to live in and lived along the sides of the roads, markets and railway stations. Being a very p  Read More...

Published on Apr 16,2020 04:36 PM

ரமேஷ் மற்றும் சுரேஷ்

By Jayasudha Bhaskaran in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 904 | Likes: 5

அன்று அவன் ஆருயிர் நண்பன் சுரேஷின் பிறந்தநாள்.முன்தினம் நல்லிரவே வாட்ஸ்சப்பில் வாழ்த்துக்களை தொிவித்திருந  Read More...

Published on Apr 14,2020 01:39 PM

Beets for healthy heart beats

By Jayasudha Bhaskaran in General Literary | Reads: 1,118 | Likes: 2

There are few poor veggies whose existence go unnoticed such as the curry leaves in a sambar or rasam.People throw them out of their food while eating.But veggies play an inevitable role in our life to maintain a healthy life. Beetroots are one amongst those vegetables which has got many health bene  Read More...

Published on Apr 10,2020 03:07 PM


By Jayasudha Bhaskaran in General Literary | Reads: 392 | Likes: 4

Stuck at home,having nothing to do or nowhere to go?We would have been in the houses of our family and friends by now,enjoying our vacation,if it were a normal vacation.But no other go!We have to stay back at home for our own safety as well as for the safety of the society. But it is during this per  Read More...

Published on Apr 7,2020 04:26 PM


By Jayasudha Bhaskaran in Mythology | Reads: 1,084 | Likes: 8

Born in a traditional Hindu family,I have come across few of the myths which were believed  by our ancestors.I still remember my grandmother asking me not to go outside once the lamp was lit in the evening.She also used to advise me not to cut the nails after sunset and to wear bangles,anklet,b  Read More...

Published on Apr 1,2020 12:54 PM


By Jayasudha Bhaskaran in General Literary | Reads: 3,801 | Likes: 8

LOCKDOWN DAYS:A PERIOD OF SELF       REALIZATION Everyone of us must be tired of lockdown, staying at home having nothing to do.It is indeed boring to stay at home all the day long  having nothing important to do except those professionals who work from home.The others try h  Read More...

Published on Mar 31,2020 11:03 AM

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