Dolly Sharma

Be kind✨
Be kind✨

 A original personality with creative mindset, ambitious, believe in selfcare, and Her  book is dedicated to all the readers, Her favourite Quote "Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.”Read More...


The Art of Simplicity

Books by Dolly Sharma

The Art of Simplicity is a guide to a more fulfilling life. It teaches readers how to declutter their lives, cultivate a positive mindset, and find balance in a complex world. By simplifying their lives, readers can reduce stress, improve their relationships, and achieve their goals.

In a world overflowing with excess and complexity, finding joy and balance can seem elusive. The Art of Simplicity offers a refreshing approach to living a more fulfilling

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The Art of Simplicity

Books by Dolly Sharma

The Art of Simplicity is a guide to a more fulfilling life. It teaches readers how to declutter their lives, cultivate a positive mindset, and find balance in a complex world. By simplifying their lives, readers can reduce stress, improve their relationships, and achieve their goals.

In a world overflowing with excess and complexity, finding joy and balance can seem elusive. The Art of Simplicity offers a refreshing approach to living a more fulfilling

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Feel everyday a new day

Books by Ms.Dolly Sharma

Today life is very uncertain and stressful, most of us are busy in daily routine and we are forgetting to live our life . it seems like we are just wasting this beautiful gift of God. Through this book I just tried to show a different picture of life, where we can learn new things everyday from small small things, people, situations. Life is so beautiful"jio to har pal ase jio , jse ki aakhiri ho... qki jindgi na milegi doobara"

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The 9th floor

By Dolly Sharma in Horror | Reads: 3,036 | Likes: 0

Don't go at the 9th floor, Rosy (care taker) said this to me and went to kitchen to get the food. It was dark rainy night. I came from Delhi to Mumbai. I visited this building when I was 4 years old, almost 20 years back along with my parents. But today this building seems little wired and the atmos  Read More...

Published on Oct 8,2022 10:07 PM

Let her Fly ….. it’s her right

By Dolly Sharma in Adventure | Reads: 6,001 | Likes: 5

"Girls should not go to work, and police department is only for boys " this was the statement of my uncle who is living in one of the small town in UP. When my cousin sister (elder to me 8-9 years gap) got the appointment letter from UP police. Unfortunately this letter has been received by our grea  Read More...

Published on Jun 25,2022 06:17 PM

The Earphone Story

By Dolly Sharma in True Story | Reads: 476 | Likes: 1

When I met you first time, you were wearing headphone. I had to wave to talk to you and you said : Yes ?. I was just lost in your eyes, I forgotten why I have contacted you. You were again asking, yes ..what you want? You started waving, and said "hello, are you there??.... And I was just wonde  Read More...

Published on Jun 9,2020 08:26 PM

Thoughts build your life

By Dolly Sharma in True Story | Reads: 334 | Likes: 0

Sometimes, the words that come out of our mouth casually can set the pace of our future.  We all have heard that words are very powerful and have both negative and positive impact on our life. Let me share the experience of one of my friend where she has felt the power of spoken words. She  Read More...

Published on May 20,2020 08:57 PM

Let stand with each other

By Dolly Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 278 | Likes: 1

Felt like all the dreams crumbled. Clouds were hovering not just over the roof but also over our mind. I went to roof in search of light.. And stars showed up ,like a ray of light. I hope things will get better very soon. Everyday is a new day ,full of unpredictable and spontaneous things. Life less  Read More...

Published on May 18,2020 12:06 PM

Listen to your innervoice

By Dolly Sharma in True Story | Reads: 343 | Likes: 0

Let me introduce you with my friend (Diviner) she is crazy, creative and cute girl I have ever met. I will write our friendship journey in seprate story next time. But In this story I am sharing her story during her difficult time when she was preparing for her exams. I never wanted to become a pa  Read More...

Published on May 16,2020 09:03 PM

Let be the one - help Others

By Dolly Sharma in True Story | Reads: 441 | Likes: 1

Once, my brother and I were going to the hospital. When the bus arrived we hopped in, at the same time an uncle was helping a grandma to get in, I held her hand and helped her to get inside, though there was so much crowd in the bus, but still an uncle gave his seat to the grandma. At first I though  Read More...

Published on May 16,2020 12:06 AM

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