

Beyond the City Lights

By Unnati in Poetry | Reads: 529 | Likes: 1

A red building, ambience lightedInhabited by people, yet fully vacantThe jingling bangles laugh and hauntSmirk miserably, often release a sighTheir ringing have a melancholic tauntDeafs confuse it to be "visit again,bye"The tresspassers there are varied menSome new faces, some people oldFor it is a   Read More...

Published on May 30,2020 07:06 PM


By Unnati in Romance | Reads: 1,390 | Likes: 4

Urmi:That evening, although the sky was frequently overcast, it was at no time dark. The rain-bearing wind was blowing in squalls from the southeast and I, inviting not only the rain, but also the tattered images of some memories, sat by the window wearing a cerulean dress. A cold zephyr touched the  Read More...

Published on Apr 22,2020 02:07 AM

The 8th Day - Part II

By Unnati in General Literary | Reads: 368 | Likes: 1

That night, I replayed the tape from our meeting on my mind over and over again. It was the moment.I was hoping that I'd move a step closer to what I wanted,and like every other thing,this time too I'll get it. The laws of which I knew so little were visibly working before me. The ambience added to   Read More...

Published on Apr 1,2020 02:44 PM

The 8th Day

By Unnati in General Literary | Reads: 434 | Likes: 1

It started one evening at a café.I was looking at my phone, occasionally throwing glances outside the glass window, waiting for a friend. Meanwhile inside the café, the piano keys were perfectly syncopating with the guitar. The voice of the first performer was no less than the ringing   Read More...

Published on Apr 1,2020 02:23 AM

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