Samuel Onyuma

An Academic
An Academic

Samuel Onyuma has been a faculty member and served as Chair of Department of Economics and Business Studies at Egerton University before joining Laikipia University, where he currently lectures and conducts research in the vast area of finance and financial markets. His interest is in analysing securities market efficiency, microstructure, governance and regulatory issues and studying policy and development for the securities markets. Dr. Onyuma has spoken at conferences on securities markets integration, regulation, microstructure and corporate governance issues. He has published academic booRead More...


Governance Structures in African Securities Exchanges

Books by Samuel O. Onyuma

Demutualization is the transformation of a securities exchange governance structure from a mutual association of stockbrokers operating as not-for profit entity into a for-profit company accountable to its shareholders. It has become a widespread phenomenon – one with increasing appeal in developed markets. It challenges the traditional approach to regulation of securities exchanges and raises issues regarding their role in capital markets regulation. In spi

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Securities Markets Development in Africa

Books by Samuel O. Onyuma

Despite the many institutional reforms undertaken to foster financial development, securities markets in Africa remain underdeveloped – shallow in listing and liquidity, with high price volatility. The reforms have not catapult the development of these markets to global standards. Although Africa receives a sizable portion of the total recorded Diaspora remittances to developing economies, remittances have now surpassed the volume of development aid, for

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