Anurag Mishra

Writer, Explorer , Mystic
Writer, Explorer , Mystic


कृपाणगढ़ की दास्तां - एक जीवित गवाही

Books by अनुराग मिश्रा

कृपाणगढ़ की दास्तां - एक जीवित गवाही , कृपाणगढ़ के मिथक की खोज में एक परीक्षण है। कर्म की एक कहानी और आज के इस दुनिया में इसकी प्रासंगिकता है। एक ऐसे साम्राज्य की एक कहानी जो अंधकारम

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Chronicles Of Kripangarh

Books by Anurag Mishra

Chronicles of Kripangarh- A Living Testament is a trial in exploring the Mythos of Kripangarh. A tale of Karma and it's relevance in this world today. A tale of land so dark and wicked, and lives of characters entangled with it. And when they finally are able to decipher it's mystery ....will they be able to conquer it ? Witness the curtains finally being lifted from the engima called Kripangarh.


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Quantum Of Solace

By Anurag Mishra in Fantasy | Reads: 575 | Likes: 2

Past 7 years I have spent in an intoxicated desperation I imagine, I don't  know I was destined for how many more. In those 7 years I didn’t mattered to the world. My existence or my extinction has never affected anyone. Only the creatures of night , at times perhaps have caught  Read More...

Published on Jun 20,2020 09:42 PM

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