Indulekha Nair

Thoughts of a feeble human being as inconspicuous as everything else occurs to be in this galaxy.
Thoughts of a feeble human being as inconspicuous as everything else occurs to be in this galaxy.

Joys of darkness

By Indulekha Nair in Poetry | Reads: 723 | Likes: 0

Lest we die unbloomed. Walking away was zen percent your choice. And feeling how i feel, mine. For a beautiful morning did you come I was smiling even before, but have your eyes put in all the magic. Like the sappling I was, ready for all my sunshine. Did you come, did you stayed, but did you not be  Read More...

Published on Apr 7,2020 12:44 PM

Joys of darkness

By Indulekha Nair in Poetry | Reads: 323 | Likes: 0

Lest we die unbloomed. Walking away was zen percent your choice. And feeling how i feel, mine. For a beautiful morning did you come I was smiling even before, but have your eyes put in all the magic. Like the sappling I was, ready for all my sunshine. Did you come, did you stayed, but did you not be  Read More...

Published on Apr 7,2020 12:44 PM

To new ways.(3)

By Indulekha Nair in Poetry | Reads: 344 | Likes: 0

Do not try to forget it. Let it stay. Because the things that you forget, are the things that you lose forever. It might feel like death, in the beginning. The pain that cuts through your veins yet the blood doesn't come out. Some cuts are like that, it bleeds from the inside; goes unnoticed by the   Read More...

Published on Apr 7,2020 12:36 PM

To new ways.(2)

By Indulekha Nair in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0

This feeling. This thing that is rotting inside of you. Killing you from within. This feeling that you've been trying so hard to ignore, just because its hard to put to words, thinking that no one's  ever going to understand. Acknowledge it. Let it be defined. Let the scars of the battle you fo  Read More...

Published on Apr 7,2020 12:32 PM

To new ways.

By Indulekha Nair in Poetry | Reads: 533 | Likes: 0

Stop. Stop justifying everything you feel. Stop decorating those ugly guilty pleasures of yours with flowers and a smile. Stop for a second and look around. Darling, it doesn't matter. Stop for a second and catch your damn breath. Its not about them, its about you. You don't like it? Fuck it, hate.   Read More...

Published on Apr 7,2020 12:29 PM

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