
Blogger | Teacher
Blogger | Teacher

Love sharing my thoughts & experiences with people out there who can relate, learn and benefit from them. Read More...

My Husband, My Happy Place

By nidhitahim in Romance | Reads: 779 | Likes: 0

I never thought I would be writing about us, but I guess it is never too late for anything. Our journey began in the year 2010. We both met through my cousin and his friend as they were dating at that time. For us, it was a long-distance relationship. He lived in Kota, while I was here in Delhi. Whe  Read More...

Published on Apr 22,2020 05:08 PM

Being Woman - A salute to all Homemakers

By nidhitahim in True Story | Reads: 435 | Likes: 1

This goes out to all the moms, mother-in-law, wives, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, all women and especially MY MOM! As you all know we are in a lockdown stage where we can't move out of our houses and follow social distancing, life has come to a halt. This period of distancing our  Read More...

Published on Apr 13,2020 06:19 PM

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