Divyanshu Shekhar


Divyanshu Shekhar has completed schooling from his hometown Supaul, Bihar. After that, he has persuaded his Graduation from Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology. He is an Engineer by profession and an artist from the heart. He writes Poems, Shayari, Drama, Articles, and Stories. He already published a Hindi poem book entitled "Zindagi - Ek Chalchitra". As a person, he always considers himself as a learner. He thinks a writer just arranges the words interestingly, the readers build the actual creation in their minds as per their understandings and his one creation might have millions oRead More...


बहुत करीब | बहुत दूर

Books by दिव्यांशु शेखर

एक सीरियल किलर की कहानी जो मारता और एक सन्देश छोड़ता है। प्रेम कथायें और समाज के खिलाफ विद्रोह की उसकी कार्रवाई। एक सीरियल किलर, जो अपनी कहानियों के साथ जीता है, मरता है और दिखाता

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Too Close Too Far

Books by Divyanshu Shekhar

This is a story of a serial killer who kills and leaves a note. A man who lives and dies with his stories and shows that even death is not an ending. A book, full of thrill and suspense. A book with the core feeling of connection, love, and Romance. A killer and his action of revenge against the wrong values of the society. His questionnaire, action, and answers will make you amazed. The Conflict between the Moral and Practical Values, between tangible and int

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