Rajalakshmi Sankar



By Rajalakshmi Sankar in Romance | Reads: 531 | Likes: 2

I was too strong!  No more memories made me cry! And my eyes were completely dry! I was too strong! Yes, I was too strong, Until you came in search of me. I was too strong, though you walked towards me!  My face was too strong, though my heart was crying, when you spoke those love words ag  Read More...

Published on Apr 24,2020 12:04 PM


By Rajalakshmi Sankar in Romance | Reads: 422 | Likes: 4

He was sitting in his Sofa alone watching a boring show as there was no choice, it was a evening and every channels were telecasting their serials and the same repeated songs. The climate was very chill and the breeze that escaped from the window brushed his hair. Suddenly there was a power cut and   Read More...

Published on Apr 24,2020 08:56 AM

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