
அடுத்த பிறவியிலும்...

By PoornimaShenbagaMoorthy in General Literary | Reads: 915 | Likes: 0

Hey!எப்படி இருக்க? உனக்கு ஞாபகம் இருக்கான்னு தெரியல! நம்ம காலேஜ்ல படிக்கறப்போ ஒரு நாள் உன்கிட்ட விளையாட்டா ஒரு கே  Read More...

Published on May 20,2020 12:35 AM

A New Phase of Life

By PoornimaShenbagaMoorthy in General Literary | Reads: 813 | Likes: 2

Adriana could not focus on her reading. Her University classes are suspended until further notice and the semester exams are planned to be rescheduled. Some professors continued to conduct lessons on virtual platforms and online assignments and to keep the students engaged in their academic programs  Read More...

Published on Apr 27,2020 11:39 PM

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