Stuthi Shrisha

Student and aspiring writer
Student and aspiring writer

The Glass Pane of Truth

By Stuthi Shrisha in Poetry | Reads: 618 | Likes: 1

I seeSomeone who lookswho seems just like meBut its funnyhow a pane can contortMake it seemunrealistically distortI see throughand realize,That its picture was askewand it was never trueAll similarities were goneand now only differencesThe character was redrawnand its true identity shoneThe glass wa  Read More...

Published on May 26,2020 11:01 AM

The Poetic Doppelganger

By Stuthi Shrisha in Thriller | Reads: 604 | Likes: 1

After waking up from a long, uneasy slumber, I was in a house. Not just any haunted house as in most stories. This house was quite normal, just like any other house - with the same furniture and rooms. Some things were not normal. This was not my house. And I usually don’t go to sleep in other  Read More...

Published on May 2,2020 01:29 PM

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