Ekta Ravish Sonani

writer,Art Teacher
writer,Art Teacher

Ekta is a Good teacher with splendid skills of writting poems, short stories and blogs plus art and craft. creative writting is her hobby and passion. she belongs to the city of sun~surat,Gujarat and living in Banglore.Read More...



Books by એકતા રવિશ સોનાણી

અલ્પવિરામ પછી અને પૂર્ણવિરામ પહેલાનો સંબંધનો પડાવ એટલે અર્ધવિરામ. દરેકના જીવનમાં આ પડાવ આવે છે જ્યાં સંબંધોને વધારે કાળજીની જરૂર હોય છે. જો આ પડાવમાં તમે સબંધ સાચવી જાવ તો જ

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In a Brown Study

Books by Ekta Nakrani

Life blossmes like a spring when we accept the things in the way they are, not because we are not able to change it, But because to live with the flow. Removing the words Hate, Ego, Negativity, Envy, Distrust, Impolite and Dishonest from mindset and replacing them with Trust, Honesty, Positivity, Self-love, Ambitious, Gregarious, Patient and Adaptable. Life revamps spontaneously.

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