

Found perfect relationship

By Lifesays in Romance | Reads: 255 | Likes: 0

It looks so strange, when once again I started thinking about someone and felt happy... He came like a light in my life and removed all the darkness I was staying in.. It wasn't easy for me to believe, I actually started living happy. I smile all the time... It's like someone switched my life from n  Read More...

Published on May 5,2020 08:13 PM


By Lifesays in Poetry | Reads: 922 | Likes: 0

जब प्यार का दरिया सूख गया, तो रिश्तों की कस्ती सूखे मे चलाने से क्या होगा?  अमावस्या सी अंधकार अरमान मेरे, छोटे दिय  Read More...

Published on May 5,2020 08:07 PM

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