Somreeta Das

The Game

By Somreeta Das in General Literary | Reads: 696 | Likes: 4

Little Prithvi is playing the match puzzle game on his mother’s console. He just can’t break this level. He has been trying for ages it seems to him. But he’s having fun playing it. He has seen his mother play this game every day. Why she calls it work he has no idea. Work is when   Read More...

Published on May 17,2020 04:15 AM


By Somreeta Das in General Literary | Reads: 524 | Likes: 0

“The patient is under, Doctor”. Aisha took the scalpel and made a five to eight inch right incision in the abdomen. Mili and a nurse folded the skin and held the retractors. Aisha carefully removed the liver to expose the green gall bladder. She gently pulled it up to the cavity. Mili sw  Read More...

Published on May 17,2020 04:04 AM

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