
Love only heals

By Kiran in Poetry | Reads: 337 | Likes: 0

To, The one who taught me to love,   You unwrapped me, You loved my messy heart, Kissed my bruised lips,   You whispered to my scars,  And helped me bloom,   You are my chaos, And my calm.   You are my sword, And my shield.   From, The one who falls in love with you eve  Read More...

Published on May 8,2020 02:58 AM

Beyond "Us"

By Kiran in Poetry | Reads: 336 | Likes: 0

I know you think of me,   When the sun sets, When the moon shines, When the sea greets the shores, When the leaves blush at autumn,   And that's enough for me..!!     - Kiran  Read More...

Published on May 8,2020 02:56 AM

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