Afreen Shanavas


Afreen Shanavas, the co-author of A Mélange Of Memories, Thrive, The Unheard Voices and Hope among other works is a woman who is passionate about photography and travelling. She is a self-proclaimed feminist whose works highlight the sexism women face as they navigate through a craggy 21st century. Actively breaking norms and gender stereotypes she is honored to use her voice for the silenced and is all set to smash an obnoxious patriarchal society. A bilingual and not-so-much-dedicated cinephile, her other hobbies include cycling and playing badminton. Though born in India, she was raised inRead More...

If Only You Could Trust Him

By Afreen Shanavas in Women's Fiction | Reads: 2,568 | Likes: 1

Missing a bus is just another typical nuisance in a commuter's life but what makes it worse is the way back home. For all the bravado you displayed, deep down, a spring was spurting tiny doses of anxiety and dread at every testosterone that walked past. Be it cars or dirt bikes, the presence of men   Read More...

Published on Jun 18,2022 02:16 PM

Love Across Decades

By Afreen Shanavas in Romance | Reads: 2,898 | Likes: 0

Dear Euan, By the time you’re reading this, I’d already be working on my third novel. (The first and second were international bestsellers). I know you are not really happy, but boy oh boy, the future is one heaven of a place. Piloting my Chevy round a corner, I wait for the lights to ch  Read More...

Published on Jun 18,2022 02:11 PM

The Mask-less Janitor

By Afreen Shanavas in Politics | Reads: 4,293 | Likes: 0

“Bad news, Mr. Brown”, the doctor announced handing over a report to a gob smacked person, who looked wan and white with fear, his hands trembling as he received the report. Even though he knew what to expect he lowered his eyes to the wordings in the paper just to be sure. This wasn&rsq  Read More...

Published on Jun 18,2022 12:40 PM

The Uninterrupted Proposal

By Afreen Shanavas in Stories | Reads: 602 | Likes: 0

“Do you love me?”, he asked, genuflecting in front of her, with a diamond cluster arch ring in a box. December brought with it heavy rains and cold winds; sleet pattered onto the road. The city was frozen; roads were covered in snow, windows were decorated with ice crystals, rooftops were submer  Read More...

Published on Feb 13,2021 05:50 PM

Love Across Decades

By Afreen Shanavas in Stories | Reads: 684 | Likes: 0

Dear Euan, By the time you’re reading this, I’d already be working on my third novel. (FYI: the other two were international bestsellers.) I know you’re not happy, but boy oh boy, the future is one heaven of a place. Piloting his Chevy around a corner, he waited for the lights to change. Bella  Read More...

Published on Feb 13,2021 05:44 PM

Another Earth

By Afreen Shanavas in Sci-fi | Reads: 376 | Likes: 0

2014 November 8th, GST 10:38 am “What the hell?”, the agent breathed, staring at the screen, open-mouthed with shock. “Guys, are you seeing this?” The large 24-foot screen displayed the satellite zooming in on a planet which looked exactly like Earth; an incredibly rare &lsqu  Read More...

Published on Jun 11,2020 10:57 AM

Mother Or Child

By Afreen Shanavas in General Literary | Reads: 406 | Likes: 0

The mother, with the baby on her back, walked through the barren land. The hunt for water seemed never-ending. Trees were ripped of its glory; only the dry twigs remained, shaking occasionally when a breeze blew. The mother could never forget the image she saw a few days before. She was resting ju  Read More...

Published on Jun 11,2020 10:56 AM

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