Vusi Mxolisi Zitha

Author, Poet, Editor, Publisher and an epigrammatic
Author, Poet, Editor, Publisher and an epigrammatic

VUSI MXOLISI ZITHA (The Pen's Amigo) Author Outline  Vusi Mxolisi Zitha (Author, poet, publisher and an epigrammatist); Vusi has always been known by his virtue of morality and integrity. His educational background in Nature Conservation took account of writing reports, articles and conducting field surveys. In 2009 he was involved in a Road Safety school debate under the motion: “Public transport and infrastructures are now ready for the 2010 FIFA world cup”. He was endorsed with a certificate of achievement from the road safety department having been successfully conquering over nine scRead More...


The Bleeding Stone

Books by Vusi Mxolisi Zitha

The Bleeding Stone is a collection of poems that confronts the deepest sense of reasoning and emotions. It encompasses overcoming, love, hope, family, faith, heartbreak, empowerment, and survival. These poems are for those who love life and seek to equip themselves with the weapons of knowledge and understanding of life in every occurrences. The bleeding stone refers to a softened stony heart or a loosened stiff-neck. After reading these poems, no-matter how h

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The Citizens of Sorrow

Books by Vusi Mxolisi Zitha

This book will give you an insight on how one person's mistakes can put the majority of people in trouble.

 In a small urban, a definite loving and considerate family of three feminine children, later gave birth to a manly kid. 

Both parents were precisely animated that after a long age of waiting; finally they got a male child. The boy later matured and discovered that in the house; the walls were ornamented with more of his sister's

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The Blind Man With Greater Insight

Books by Vusi Mxolisi Zitha

A certain mad woman conceived through rape and later gave birth to a blind child. After her death; the child was raised by a certain old woman who gave them refuge. The child grew to be the wisest in the village; however the predicaments surrounding his birth made the villagers to hate and despise him in all occasions. Nevertheless; his wisdom and words of insights landed him into the palace

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Exaltation's to God

Books by Vusi Mxolisi Zitha

In this book, Vusi singles out the relevant meaning of Christianity as he offer admirations unto God for his supremacy and his awe-inspiring deeds on earth. The authenticity of Christianity is to serve God and live life to his own satisfaction. By God reckoning; there is no escape for judgement to the wicked, on that day what is done in secret will be brought to broad day light. Heaven is the righteous only inheritance and hell is the agony of the wicked. Whoe

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Each Step Serves A Purpose

Books by Vusi Mxolisi Zitha

This book consists of the central motivating aims of one's life, the reason you get up in the morning. Different circumstances surround our life, which in turn makes it difficult to discover your purpose. Purpose can actually change throughout life in response to upcoming and popping priorities and changes of your own experiences. Even though the experiences, each step of every circumstance serves a vital purpose

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The parental Sacrifice

Books by Vusi Mxolisi Zitha

Vusi reveals a touching and a sad story of two parents who lost everything they could ever dream of when they took the decision to invest everything they had to their son's education. But after all their sacrifices; they got a devastating reward from their son.

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Hell is the Eternal agony of the Wicked

Books by Vusi Mxolisi Zitha

Hell is an afterlife locality in which evil souls are exposed to retributive suffering, often torture as eternal sentence after death

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The book of Parables

Books by Vusi Mxolisi Zitha

In this book, the author uses short fictitious story that is presented to teach, illustrates one or more instructive lessons or life principles. Parables are used in most conditions to illustrate a particular lesson. They are approach towards learning moralities about the essence of life

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Eternity is the Righteous only Inheritance

Books by Vusi Mxolisi Zitha

Using various scriptural quotations from the bible; Vusi Mxolisi Zitha outlines and crystalizes the fact that by God reckoning, heaven is only for those who pursue righteousness in faith through Christ Jesus.

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The Realities of Life

Books by Vusi Mxolisi Zitha

This book consists of various happenings that usually take place in the race of life. Since life is not predictable to anyone, we live it based on hopes, faith, wishes and desires. Life is at times full of unrealistic expectations that tend to discourage our daily endeavors. This book aims to revive one's strength and to restore faith and hope to the faint heart. To also instill courage and to help overcome your fears in taking initiatives. This book is also a

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The Glory of the Last Days

Books by Vusi Mxolisi Zitha

On the last day only true believers shall be raptured. This book is a collection of bible verses about the end time warnings and prophecies. The bible tells us about the series of occasions that must transpire before the rapture; these series of events are referred to as "birth pains".

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A real man indeed

By Vusi Mxolisi Zitha in Poetry | Reads: 369 | Likes: 0

  After saying all this, his wife smiled and hugged him saying; “I’m very proud to have you as my husband, You are a real man with a good heart A true soldier of justice, you plead the case of the innocent You look beyond appearances and stick to your assurances What makes a man is  Read More...

Published on May 25,2020 08:06 PM

The cleaner and the store manager

By Vusi Mxolisi Zitha in True Story | Reads: 503 | Likes: 0

    As long as there's boastfulness, pride and arrogance, the fine line between the superior and the inferior will never be erased. A vigorous and a very intellectual young woman was working as a cleaner at a big store with about 22 branches countrywide and 540 branches worldwide. Many  Read More...

Published on May 20,2020 03:16 PM

A dishonest friend

By Vusi Mxolisi Zitha in True Story | Reads: 671 | Likes: 0

  Once; there was a man who was firmly attached to a certain woman in terms of friendship. A loyal man he was and indeed a man of honesty and integrity. As her own kind of challenge; the woman lured him into trusting her by glittering her face with innocence and a marvelous smile decorating h  Read More...

Published on May 20,2020 03:00 PM

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