Rohan R Pednekar

Hobbyist Writer
Hobbyist Writer

I have specialized my Bachelors in Management Studies with Specialisation in Marketing & Econometrics from Mumbai University India and Masters in Business Administration with Project Management & Managing Resources from Liverpool John Moores University, UK. Since writing is one of my part-time interest I perceived a Screenwriting Course at Sense India Mumbai and also got registered as a Fellow Member at Screenwriter Association India Mumbai. Fiction storytelling is one of my hobbies and hence wish to publish few titles soon.Read More...

The Tale of Pañcasikha & Suriyavacchasā

By Rohan R Pednekar in Romance | Reads: 728 | Likes: 2

Decked on her shiny brown tresses flourished the fragrance of the flower garland, beautifying her enigmatic gorgeous face twinkled the bindi on her forehead, draped in the attire of a golden feathered peacock, adorned with the jewels of the heavenly gold danced displaying her dazzling voluptuous fra  Read More...

Published on May 22,2020 06:54 PM

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