Motivational Speaker,Writer etc
Motivational Speaker,Writer etc



Books by Praveen Sharma

Who doesn’t want to be more successful and motivated in life so we can accomplish everything that we want while still having the fire burning inside of us? This is usually easier said than done.
There are so many things in life that can quickly kill your motivation, making it hard for you to accomplish your goals and get everything in life that you desire. The tips and suggestions throughout this book are meant as a way to help you boost your energy

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How to Build Confidence for Kids

Books by Praveen Sharma

Confidence is extremely important for a child to develop in the early stages of their life. It is important because it is needed in order to overcome many obstacles that your child will face in life.
It is the job of the parent of the child to help the child build self-confidence. There are many different ways that you can help your child build confidence.
Building your child’s self-confidence will not

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By PRAVEEN SHARMA in True Story | Reads: 406 | Likes: 1

गुरूजी अपने गुरूकर्म पर संतुष्टि से गर्व प्रकट करते रहते थे । एक दिन विचार मग्न हो पता नहीं क्या हिसाब लगा रहे थे। व  Read More...

Published on Jun 13,2020 04:27 AM

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