Soumita Raychaudhuri

Former Columnist at The Telegraph in Schools
Former Columnist at The Telegraph in Schools


By Soumita Raychaudhuri in Poetry | Reads: 303 | Likes: 0

When I visit, I may not be - All violins and Kodak moments. I may be ordinary  Nothing to write back Home about.  Out of place With the- Marketed standards. I may not be  What TV tells you Or what the glossies Want you To believe. I am more Of a habit; A constant- Amidst all the&n  Read More...

Published on Jun 9,2020 08:14 PM

When the Jacaranda Bloomed

By Soumita Raychaudhuri in True Story | Reads: 427 | Likes: 0

2020 was by far the strangest of all the years that Millie had ever seen. The annual examination was only partially over when the school shut down suddenly due to the imposition of a nationwide lockdown. She didn't fully understand what a lockdown meant or what purpose it would serve. But she knew i  Read More...

Published on May 31,2020 12:27 AM

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