Satish Kumar R

She, Me and Us

By Satish Kumar R in Poetry | Reads: 662 | Likes: 1

My heart keeps racing with the train Feeling overwhelmed with every new cell that is born Every would-be parent should cherish each moment About their new life that'll change their lives forever. The new beginning for the embryo Should continue with the smile of it's mother As the Father keeps chee  Read More...

Published on Feb 23,2021 03:24 PM


By Satish Kumar R in General Literary | Reads: 744 | Likes: 6

You’re probably thinking that I wrote the disease name wrong. Well! It is not a disease, it is a vaccine. It is a wakeup call. Let me make it clear. Covid-19 is the disease. Covid-20 is the vaccine. It is the vaccine to save ourselves in 2020 from the aftermath of Covid-19. Read through to see  Read More...

Published on Apr 12,2020 08:42 PM

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