Vijay Sarupria


Toki Boki

Books by Vijay Sarupria

Are you opportunistic?
“Are you asking me?”
Yes, I am asking you.
We would usually first want to know which type of opportunity has
approached us, though we would always grab it, anyway.
Opportunities are always present around all of us, but how many of us
can perceive them?
It is rightly said, that if you do not pay enough attention, those
opportunities will disappear before we even realize it.
However, it is al

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The Torn Jeans

Books by Vijay Sarupria

It is said that friends from childhood are the best friends in life. It is difficult to get or make other good friends later on in life, in college, or during your job or business.
It is true but up to a certain extent, because there are always exceptions.
It is also said that having a true friend is a gift from God, a great gift, especially considering today’s world.
Most of us have many friends but unfortunately, today friendship is corr

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The Unroaming World

Books by Vijay Sarupria

The world before and after the Covid-19 pandemic or Coronavirus would never be the same. Billions of people have lived in the confinement of their houses due to it, a scenario that was not imagined even in our worst nightmares.
This book, The Unroaming World, looks into what happened as soon as the world realized that an invisible virus first infected humans in Wuhan, in China’s Hubei province. It started turning things upside down, even before anyo

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