


By Aeva in Poetry | Reads: 345 | Likes: 0


Published on Jun 7,2020 05:42 AM

There's always light at the end of the tunnel!.

By Aeva in General Literary | Reads: 521 | Likes: 4

                 As I woke up ,after a long nap, I realized I was clueless- as clueless as a man without a mask these days.I did not know which day of the week it was or how long I had been stuck at home.I didn't even know if it was day or night anymore.I  Read More...

Published on May 31,2020 02:29 PM


By Aeva in Poetry | Reads: 286 | Likes: 1

JUDGED Look at her, oh what a sight!  Like darkness walking into the light!  High heels, lashes and jewelry,  Oh my god she's so sultry!  Her outfit is so scandalous!  I'm sure she must be characterless!  How much time does she take to dress?  Anyway, whom is  Read More...

Published on May 29,2020 03:07 AM

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