Nivedita Mishra


By Nivedita Mishra in Romance | Reads: 234 | Likes: 1

"So, all packed huhh?""Yes, kept all of my belongings in this SUITCASE.""All your belongings did you say?""Yes, I did.""What all belongings did you take?""Well, I took my clothes and my personal stuff, and that cute photo frame that you gifted me too. It'll remind me of all our beautiful memories.""  Read More...

Published on Jun 11,2020 05:53 PM

Taamasi's Tale

By Nivedita Mishra in General Literary | Reads: 255 | Likes: 1

"Sit properly, Taami!", said her mother."Maa, I'm all alone home and dada and papa are also not home. Can I not sit comfortably now?""So what, you'll be married two weeks later. You must learn all of this or else you'll bring shame on the family. Learn to behave like a girl. And why did you wear thi  Read More...

Published on Jun 8,2020 03:32 PM

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