

By Oleen in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 1,013 | Likes: 3

"How was the Paneer tikka ? " she asked.   " Yimmintho !!! " he exclaimed.   " Emintho ??  What's that ?" she enquired.   " It is a French word for yummy food. Yimmintho " he said, with his best teacher imitation.   " Oh okay. Emintho." she replied, impressed.   "Not Em  Read More...

Published on Jun 13,2020 12:07 PM

Through her eyes...

By Oleen in General Literary | Reads: 273 | Likes: 3

“ Dropping a cup of tea on my future mother-in-law’s lap is hardly going to make a good first impression” said Nethra in a deadpan voice. Suwani and Ragini looked shocked for a minute before bursting into laughter at the amused expression on Nethra’s face. Bedecked in a pink   Read More...

Published on Jun 11,2020 08:14 PM

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