Heramb Sukhathankar

Author of The Last Nomad and an aspiring Linguist
Author of The Last Nomad and an aspiring Linguist

Heramb Sukhathankar is an Indie Author and Digital Creator. Apart from dabbling in diverse interests, he is in search of plants and music.  His debut novella (now his pen name), The Last Nomad, was released at the Jaipur Art Summit 2019 in India. His literary work has been published across several platforms including newspapers, magazines, and journals like Lokprabha, and Hakara. His Marathi poem has won the Wingword Poetry Prize 2019 and his short story 'Straight Lines' was a winning entry in the Notion Press National Writing Competition 2022. An anthology of his short stories, 'Untold StoriRead More...


Untold Stories of Love

Books by The Last Nomad

Short stories that bring forth different relations which paint different shades of love. These are not-so-pink love stories, not the happily-lived-ever-after ones. Here are stories that talk about love as is; no cosmetics. 

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7 Ways to Stay Sane on the Social Media

Books by Heramb Sukhathankar

As of January 2020, 3.81 billion users, which is almost 49 percent of the world's total population, use social media. [source: Kepios Analysis] 

The wonderful tool called social media has influenced almost all netizens. From personal users to business accounts all are eager to seek success on this platform. But the picture is not as rosy as it seems.

The dark side of social media has always been presented as a lonely and an unsocial place

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Straight Lines

By Heramb Sukhathankar in Children's Literature | Reads: 8,874 | Likes: 50

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Sparks flew on the anvil for quite some time before he dropped the hammer. Then he clicked and popped his bones and settled in the chair. Big Papa’s workshop was a dark hot mess. Oval, once upon a time a quaint village located at the foothills of Mount Barbaros, had been tr  Read More...

Published on Jul 3,2022 11:21 PM

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