Souvik Makar is an author with an experience of over 5 years. He has written a few books based on his experience. His books will make you self-reliant.
Souvik Makar is an author with an experience of over 5 years. He has written a few books based on his experience. His books will make you self-reliant.

Souvik Makar is an author with an experience of over five years. He has also worked in the field of skill development & career counseling. He has worked in different parts of our country to understand the diversity & needs of this country. Throughout his life, he has always worked for the development of the common people of our nation. As his 'Country first' policy, he has decided to share his knowledge and experience among the people of our great country. He has written a few books based on his experience in different sectors. Through these books,  he has shared his experience and guidance sRead More...




Teaching job is always a great profession. This profession has the most opportunities to serve the society. The SLST Examination is an important test to join this great profession. In every SLST exam, there are enough vacancies for the post of assistant teacher in English subject but the number of applicants is huge. So it is very difficult to succeed in the exam if you don't know the entire subject as per the new syllabus. The main objective of this boo

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এস.এল.এস.টি. বাংলা প্রস্তুতি

Books by সৌভিক মাকর

শিক্ষকের চাকরি সবসময় একটি মহান পেশা। এই পেশায় সমাজের সেবা করার সবচেয়ে বেশি সুযোগ থাকে।  এই মহান পেশায় যুক্ত হওয়ার জন্য SLST এক্সামিনেশন একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পরীক্ষা। প্রতিটি SLST

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Books by Souvik Makar

This book is a complete guide for those who wish to take part in Digital India and for all those who want to know more about Common Service Centre. I wish the book will be used for good purposes and will inspire many young minds.
The key features of this book are –
 Basic and Advanced Level Concept of Community Service Provider & Common Service Center.
 Basic Concept of Digital Literacy.
 Basic Concept of Cyber Security &

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