

"Dozing to melodies and walking through my dreams were the best way to pamper myself from the toxic world"                                                         -Venus.  Read More...


By Venus in Poetry | Reads: 306 | Likes: 0

The time when your calls were unheard.  You wanted me then and now I want you.  When my phone bell rings, I wish to hear your voice.  Goodbyes, that I told you was not the end.  My heart is calling you every day, my love for you is eternal.           &nbs  Read More...

Published on Jun 22,2020 08:53 PM

Thank you mom.

By Venus in Poetry | Reads: 271 | Likes: 0

She, who was my angel who guarded me when I was asleep.  She, who wiped my tears and made me laugh.  She, who understands my fears and weakness and wraps me around her arms.  She, who taught me how to face situations.  She, who I have never thanked in my life.  Thank you mo  Read More...

Published on Jun 22,2020 08:44 PM

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