Sanoj Kumar


An Engineer, who falls in love with writing and enjoying the journey from a writer to the author and then to the publisher. Currently, he is focusing on his family business, and publication house parallely. In this writing field he has achieved lots of appreciation and the certificates as a token of love. He is a happy author of his two solo books - " सफ़र ज़िंदगी का " and " Reminiscences of 2020 " along with being the co-author's of nearly 100+ anthologies. He has compiled 50+ anthologies and has worked in many books as an interior and cover designer and has managed Read More...


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Books by Sanoj Kumar

Life always gives you second chance.

Life always gives you opportunity to showcase your hidden talent.

It's upto you that how can you vanish your fear and stand up to get the benefits of opportunities. It's time to showcase your talent that how you are taking this challenge and opportunities of life. From this anthology we are trying to show you the different aspect of life from different types of people.

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ख्वाब, अनजाने से

Books by सनोज कुमार

"प्यार मोहब्बत धोका है, पढ़लो बेटा मौका है" बेशक यह कहावत सही हो किंतु यह पंक्ति भी उतना ही सही है-"दिल है की मानता नहीं"।

हमारे द्वारा इस पुस्तक में सभी प्रकार के प्यार मोहब्बत क

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Books by Sanoj Kumar & Priyanka Kharat

Precious is the word itself enough to convey what the content is. The anthology is based upon theme time and hence consist the expression of authors about the Precious time. So I hope you would enjoy the book.

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The Grace Of social roots

Books by Sanoj Kumar & Kiran Baghari

This book is based on a national Day' has the potential to be a major icon for every Indian where they can read and express their love for our country.

Every national day has its own importance, which teaches us to be exposed to our country in different ways, such as Martyrs Day, Ayushman Bharat Day, Labor Day, International Education Day, Hindi Day, Vijay Diwas, Farmers Day, Republic Day, Anti Terrorist Day, Youth day, etc. and yes we can say that cel

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Books by Sanoj Kumar & Mayuri Kadam

This collection is giving a message about the Sun to all the readers. The sun is not the only source of light or the center of the solar system. It is an important part of human life.

There is no doubt that nature is incomplete without the sun. That is why the sun has been given the place of God in Indian culture.

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Festive Vibes

Books by Sanoj Kumar And Rashmi Deshmukh

Its an anthology which includes 5 writeup each of 10 different festival of India. As you can see in the cover, thats show 10 different festival.

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कलम की आवाज

Books by सनोज कुमार

हमारे आस पास बहुत सारे ऐसे लोग हैं जो अपनी भावनाएँ औरों के सामने जाहिर नहीं कर पाते या करना नहीं चाहते इसलिए वो इसे कविता, कहानी या किसी अन्य माध्यम से लेखनी में पिरो देते हैं। ऐसे

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Voice of Pen

Books by Sanoj Kumar

Some people don't like to express their feelings but they would like to depict it in his writings. Considering all these people in our mind, we got an idea of publishing this book so that it can become voice of all those people. 
There is no restriction of topic nor type of contains in this anthology. It would be a compilation of 100 different authors that will represent their emotions, thoughts and feelings in front of you without any changes.

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I'm Okay, Bro

Books by Sanoj Kumar

It's an anthology, which is written by several writers on a specific theme, i.e Move On. It's mean how you come back from your hard time or how to forget someone and move on. Now a days many people are trap on a situation and after lots of efforts they can't get out from that. So it's a small efforts from our compiler 'Sanoj Kumar' to help him or her out from the tough phases of their life.

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Memory Imprints

Books by Sanoj Kumar & Bhawna Dewangan

“Memory Imprints”, is a book where you can understand about passed incidents. Your past is the only reason for what you are doing in the present and your present is the only responsible for what you are planning for future. Impossible says itself I m possible. But one thing will never get possible, that’s change of the past incidents. We should always remember that life is a journey full of uncertainties and unexpected things to arrive at any

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Books by Sakshi Jain

"Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve." 
It's true the action you may take , the result you will get is all based on the thought and feelings of the person.

Our Anthology " Karma - Reap what you have Sown" is totally based based on the action and its reaction with total pinch of result of it. Hopefully, our readers will enjoy the concept and content based on this very theme.

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Books by Sanoj Kumar

"Sometimes First Meet change into Love.

Sometimes First Meet remain an accidental meet."

Our Anthology "Visualization" is based on the same theme . First meet a special turning point or an accidental meet.

Hope our readers will enjoy in reading this book. Also we try to give a unique and enthusiastic way to draw the attention on the First Meet ...

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Unlimited Happiness

Books by Sanoj Kumar, Rashmi Deshmukh

The Anthology "Unlimited Happiness " Is the collective journey of Writers present all over Friendship in their heart.

Friendship is a Part of life where,

Making Trusty Friend Is Art of life. There are only few friends in our Heart.

This anthology is completely made up of our Thought For Near one. It's time to share our own care and love for Buddy .

It's all for Bestie....

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Dil Bechara

Books by Sanoj Kumar, Siddharth Mishra

Love is not a temporary feeling or emotion. Sometimes daily, emotion and feeling change but Unconditional love is everlasting.

Our Anthology "Dil Bechara" is based on the same theme : Unconfessed Love of a person.

Hope our readers enjoy our thoughts on the theme and they will get hope and power to confess their love .

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Books by सनोज कुमार

मैं अक्स हूँ ये मुझे मत बताओ,

एक न एक दिन मुझे नजर सब आयेगा,

जरा एक बार अपना चेहरा तो दिखाओ!

कौन अपने कौन पराये हैं, ये कभी देखकर पता नहीं चल पाता है! कौन अच्छा सोच रहा और कौन

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Deep Silence

Books by Sanoj Kumar & Kiran Baghari

Life is a name of ups and downs, difficulties will come and we have to face it, we will break, rise and then move on. Many people will be together and many people will be together but only to say. And then the feelings we will feel, this Anthology is just a series of those feelings whose  names is Deep Silence.
Silence enhances our ability to think, judge and instills confidence in the inner self. And what makes us different from others

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Thoughts From The Soul

Books by Sanoj Kumar & Anjali Jha

Everytime we say and think not only describe our world but actually create it. Words have power. Words have that power which can change your in a fraction of second when it comes from your soul touching your inner peace and spirit then it will or it can change the whole universe. Thoughts from the soul is the outcome of the thoughts and imagination splashed on the sheet of paper by some our writers.

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Triumph Of Words

Books by Sanoj Kumar & Anjali Jha

Triumph Of Words- As the name suggests Triumph means victory Is a compilation of works Submitted by some diverse souls on the topic Victory of words or Triumph of Words. Read this book right now and enjoy the beauty of words.

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Saga of Victory - Kargil

Books by Sanoj Kumar & Jay Krishan Burman

The Book SAGA OF VICTORY-KARGIL dedicated to Kargil Warriors and all soldiers' contains 50+ bilingual writings compiled by Jay Krishan Burman & Sanoj Kumar. Kargil Vijay Diwas is observed on 26 July annually to commemorate the sacrifices made by the soldiers in the Kargil War. Soldiers valiantly fought for the nation, and the Kargil Vijay Diwas not only embarks upon India's win but also pays homage to the fallen heroes who sacrificed their lives to make 'Opera

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Books by Sanoj Kumar & Anjali Jha

Nothing compares to nature's beauty. From spring‘s hopeful new blooms and fall’s exquisite array of colors to winter’s magic and summer’s energy, each season abounds with different types of natural beauty to explore and admire. Apricate a book dedicated to our nature is ready to enlighten you with the beauty of nature and words in excellent way.

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Books by Sanoj Kumar & Sakshi Jain

"Let your Hopes, Not your Hurts, Shape your Future"

There is a Wish of Every creature not to lose Hope ....
Our Anthology "Aspire" is based on the same theme : Hope and Wish of every Creature..
Hope our readers enjoy this part of life with their hundred percent of hope and two hundred percent of their Wish....

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Sonu Sood

Books by Jay Krishan Burman

The book mentions the work done by Sonu Sood in lockdown on how he brought migrant laborers home during the epidemic and helped all the needy.  We have tried to dedicate to Sonu Sood through writing written by 40+ co-authors.  We hope that you will also read this book, Sonu Sood Sir.  We express our gratitude to The Spirit Mania Publication, that they gave our effort a book look, as well as we thank all readers including co-authors who gave us t

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माँ की महिमा

Books by आयुषी तिवारी

मां की महिमा संकलन का संपादन रायपुर, छत्तीसगढ़ स्थित सामाजसेवी संस्थान हरसंभव फाउंडेशन के सदस्यों द्वारा की गई एक पहल का नतीजा है। हर साल पूरा देश मिल जुलकर नवरात्रि का त्यौहार

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Books by Sanoj Kumar & Manpreet Kaur

Memories are special moments that tell our story and so our anthology.

Various writers with their unforgettable and unfaded memories are here with us to share and jot down their experiences all together in our amazing anthology "INFINITE".
Life brings tears, smiles and memories. The tears dry, the smiles fade but the memories last forever.

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Books by Sanoj Kumar And Sakshi Jain

"Life is full of ups and downs precisely ups. If we can't be strong enough to handle all the situations brightly then there is no right to live in this world."

Our anthology "Variegation" is based on the same theme: Colors of Life, which explains the fact of the life that it is like a roller coaster ride .
And we should enjoy this beautiful ride before life of ours end...

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Fire Your Fear

Books by Sanoj Kumar, Joyce Praveena

Fire your fear anthology is a sort of positive vibe which gives energy to your soul. Life is a greatest adventure you just need a tool to exit and the tool is motivation. Our Anthology motivates and refreshes your mind. Our authors writings boost up and motivates in your various paths of life.

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TOW Poetry Marathon

Books by Sanoj Kumar & Anjali Jha

Marathon as the name depicts it's meaning clearly that you have to run on your track and if you failed to do so, then you will be out from this Marathon. In the same way TSM in association with TOW organised it's first ever poetry marathon in which several poets participated to showcase their talents but only few passed their hurdles. And this book is the outcome of their hard work and dedication towards writing poetry and literature. This book is dedicated to

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Books by Sanoj Kumar And Anoothi Agrawal

This anthology is a compilation of poems articles and stories submitted by different writers across the globe.

Tranakartti is dedicated to maa Ganga. The Ganga is a lifeline to millions who live along its course it is a sacred river and worship as a goddess Ganga in the Hindu. From this you will come to know about the Ganga river. This anthology inspired us to keep the Ganges water pure. So have a look towards this book and enjoy reading this book.

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Books by Sanoj Kumar & Anjali Jha

“A Virago is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely. Her tears flow as abundantly as her laughter. A Virago is both soft and powerful, she is both practical and spiritual. ... “A Virago loves, forgives, walks away, lets go, tries again, and perseveres… not matter what life at her.” This book is a perfect combination of all the above events happening in a woman's life. This book truly depicts all the problems of women and how she is ha

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The Voice Of Heart

Books by Sanoj Kumar & Ayesha Imran

The voice of heart basically speaks about the voices that are unheard and unspoken, but the feelings and emotions about those moments or the life memories exist.

The book holds letters, poetries and stories to the loved ones , oneself or to people who are unknown to us to tell them about our conversations with them.

This may relate from love lessons to life struggles.

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Collecting Broken Pieces

Books by Sanoj Kumar & Jyoti Jamlingappnavar

Collecting broken pieces is collection of different genres. It consists of writings of broken people. It maybe love or life, each and every person breaks down in life. It doesn't matter how many times a person has broken, what matters is standing up again collecting all strength inspite of falling. This book is especially made for those people, who might be going or have gone through breakdown and can't get words to express or feelings, they'll definitely conn

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Books by एक मां का हृदय

शकुंतला पुस्तक पूरी तरह से एक माँ को समर्पित है। जो आपकी जरूरतों को उसके सामने रखता है, जो हमेशा आपकी तरफ रहेगा। आपको अपनी पहली धड़कन से बिना शर्त उसकी आखिरी सांस तक प्यार करता है

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एहसास, प्यार का

Books by सनोज कुमार

एहसास, प्यार का – प्‍यार एक ऐसा एहसास है जो एक बार हो जाए तो दुनिया खूबसूरत लगने लगती है। प्‍यार में पड़ने के बाद हमारे साथ काफी कुछ ऐसा होता है जो हमने पहले कभी महसूस नहीं किया

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Nanhi Pari

Books by Sanoj Kumar And Sakshi Jain

"Pure beauty lies in being your unique self."

Nanhi Pari is an anthology which explains the life of a Girl Child. Every girl has a unique talent, versatility, and brilliant mind. We should respect each and every girl for the development of our nation.

"Don't cut the feathers of a Girl but give them the wings to fly."

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Reminiscences of 2020

Books by Sanoj Kumar, Anjali Jha

Some memories and some circumstances can't be erased from our mind. These memories are just to haunt us everytime and to create Chaos in our mind and spirit. Year 2020 and all the events of this year was just to end the lives of all the creatures of this planet. All the events took place simultaneously throughout the year. This book is a collection of articles based on different events held in the year 2020. 

Just keeping all the reminiscenes of 2

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My Day

Books by Ka Parina Sri

Birthday the day where we get up with a smile and sleep with a smile. The day where we wait for time to stuck at 12 am so we can celebrate our own day and spend it with the peacefulness! well, the most important day of our life! Our own day yes the day we were born. We all have different thoughts for this day. Some are happy while some people don't like to celebrate.

Readers you will find anonymous writers wishes, about their birthday and what not! Don

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Soul In The Glass

Books by Abhiram B

"Our heart is a glass, which has a soul contained inside it. It's our prime task to strengthen it, so we can tolerate even the biggest of the negatives." This anthology aptly named "Soul in the Glass" is dedicated to all people who are in all emotions, either for happy and enjoying; or for the sad and heartbroken. Love is an emotion which is inevitable for a person, who even tries to isolate himself from the rest of the world, and they are bound to have a liki

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Global Issues In Society

Books by Pratham Mittal

This Book is predicated on social issue may be a problem that influences many voters within a society. it's a standard problem in present-day society and one that a lot of people strive to unravel . it's often the consequence of things extending beyond a person's control. Social issues are the source of a conflicting opinion on the grounds of what's perceived as morally correct or incorrect personal life or interpersonal social life decisions. Social issues ar

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अनकही Voice

Books by Sanoj Kumar, Anjali Jha

We know India is a male dominated country but we can't deny with this fact that men doesn't face in their life. If we think clearly about them then we can find that they have several and severe problems than women like Pressure created on men to earn money, Gender equality, Gender based violence, Career equality, Single father, Fatherhood, Men as homemakers, Domestic violence - Men fall pray too in this society, a man's sacrifice of his dreams for the sake of

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Books by Sanoj Kumar, Anjali Jha

Ambrosia is a compilation of English Quotes written by 48 different writers.This book is Compiled and Edited by Sanoj Kumar and Anjali Jha.

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Books by Sakshi Jain

Each person discovers a field of allurements, the totality of which bears the unique stamp of that person's personality.

Destiny unfolds in the pursuit of individual fascinations and interests. By pursuing your allurements, you help bind the universe together. The unity of the world rests on the pursuit of the passion.

This book is Compiled by SAKSHI JAIN and all the publishing work like Editing. Designing were done by SANOJ KUMAR under The Spi

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The Joy of Dreams

Books by Abirami Kaviarasan, Madhuri Lad

The Joy of dreams is not only a book but also a sea of dreams, who's every word is a hope and success of each co author. Its an art of various flavours and thoughts on different dreams of life. With this book we are trying to get close to our dreams and to you who is reading this book.

This book is Compiled by Abirami Kaviarasan & Madhuri Lad and all the publishing work like Editing. Designing were done by SANOJ KUMAR under The Spirit Mania.

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Masquerade Tales

Books by Sanoj Kumar, Anjali Jha

Danger doesn't lurk at every corner. It's just hanging out, waiting fear and horror to show up. If you also like some spine chilling and spooky stories then Masquerade Tales is a perfect example for you to read some horror and spooky tales composed by some budding writers of the nation. This anthology is compiled and edited by Sanoj Kumar and Anjali Jha.

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Whimsical Soul

Books by Sanoj Kumar, Anjali Jha

Whimsical Soul as the name suggests that it is related to multi themes and multi genres. This book is exclusively designed by the contributions of different contents on different themes and different genres submitted by different writers in our special writing challenge that we have conducted on the occasion of our TSM and TOW anniversary which is conducted for continuous five days and some best collections we have given in this book.

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Books by Sanoj Kumar

Children are the one who have the potential to change the future of our nature. They are the one who have the potential possibilities for the new creation. They are great imitators so treat them well so that they can imitate some good things. There are no seven wonders in their eyes but they have seven millions. As the name suggests of this book, all contents and cover, style are totally related to the nature of any children that's they have.

Liliput i

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Love Beings

Books by Shwetha. A. S

Everyone love animals, and this anthology is the result of so many co-authors who showed their love towards animals in one way or the other through poetry art form. Let’s take a dive into the mellifluous love we offered.

This Anthology is compiled by Shwetha.A.S and Edited,designed by Sanoj Kumar under The Spirit Mania.

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Books by Sanoj Kumar, Anjali Jha

Just got the hands one after the other,
 And a caravan was built to try to get the destination.
 We start any work, but this work never comes to the end and get success on its own alone.  In order to carry out the work successfully, we desperately need supporters and a companion, just as a mat is made of straw, just as a brick is used to make a beautiful house, so the members meet  and a beautiful family is formed.  So we get &

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जर्सी नं० 7

Books by सनोज कुमार

यह पुस्तक हमारे भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम के पूर्व कप्तान और एक महान खिलाड़ी, जो विकेट के पीछे से ही पल भर में खेल को बदल दे, उन्हें समर्पित है। इनमे कई लेखकों ने माही के बारे अपने विचार, क

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Bro Sis

Books by Sanoj Kumar

Brothers and sisters can be fast friends or ferocious foes. Either way, you can’t choose your siblings. While the relationship of siblings may be strained in youth, brothers and sisters often become best friends with age.
Bro-Sis: The Unexpressible Love is a compilation of love and emotions of brother and sister in different ways which is compiled and edited by Sanoj Kumar. 
Co-authors have shown their unexpressible love of brother an

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Books by Sanoj Kumar

Few things have such a huge impact on happiness and the enjoyment, depth and plain fun of life as the friendships we have. Yaariyan as the name tells us a lot about this book and about the bond of friendship. This book is dedicated to all the friends who are very special to us in each and every phase of life. So enjoy the beauty of words about friendship in this book which is compiled and edited by Sanoj Kumar.

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मेरा दोस्त का कॉल

By Sanoj Kumar in Poetry | Reads: 796 | Likes: 0

उस रास्ते पर हमेशा जिसे निहारते हुए जाता, आज वो ऑटो में मेरे सामने आकर बैठ गई। बात करने का हिम्मत तो नहीं कर पाया, पर   Read More...

Published on Feb 14,2021 08:15 PM

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