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Books by Darshana Thapa

UNSPOKEN WORDS is an anthology compiled by DARSHANA THAPA under DARE TO DREAM. This book comprises of interesting and heart touching poems and stories written by 26 writers. Sometimes ignorance forms bridges and the voice is left unheard creating a fire within our heart and soul leaving sparks that burns us bit by bit into pieces leaving ashes .The co-authors have tried their best to frame the words in a way so that it touches the readers' heart.   

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Books by Rajvi Varatiya

A NOX DREAM is an anthology  compiled by RAJVI  VARATIYA under  DARE TO DREAM. This book comprises 41 admirable pieces of writings composed by 15 writers. This book covers all the aspects of human emotions  and  sentiments . It draws every colour of life . It is entitled as 'A Nox Dream ' behind  this title there is a ginormous dream of doing something in every vision of life.

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Divulge Of Smiles

Books by Prachi Sharma, Karishma Khubchandani

'DIVULGE OF SMILES' is an anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book contains work of 32 writers who have written in both English and Hindi language. This book is a collection of poetries, stories and beautiful write-ups. While reading the contents you'll get to know a smitten side of life and your perception of seeing and living the life will be changed. We've tried to show you a enamoured side of living life. This book is compiled by PRACHI SHARMA and K

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Books by Bidisha Buragohain

PRISTINE POESY is an anthology compiled by BIDISHA BURAGOHAIN under DARE to DREAM. This book is a collection of 120 miscellaneous poems in English composed by 55 writers from different walks of life. This anthology is an effort to collect the vivid thoughts, emotions and imaginations of different people. A reader would enjoy reading the poems in it as they would find language to their own thoughts and emotions in them.


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Books by Sara Abbas

Dappled Shades is an anthology compiled by Sara Abbas under the guidance of DARE TO DREAM. Sara's anthology is a compilation of poetries, quotes and short stories by 41 ardent co-authors. It is an attempt to bring akin talents under an umbrella and provide a comforting shade of tranquillity to the readers.

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मोहब्बत और फ़ासले

Books by सूजित कुमार मल्लिक

मोहब्बत और फ़ासले एक संकलन है , जिसमे 15 लेखकों ने अपनी प्रस्तुति दी है और इस किताब को एक रूप दिया है, इस किताब का संकलन सुजीत कुमार मल्लिक ने किया है, किन्तु सारे लेखकों ने भी अपना पूर

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Books by Harini Venkatraman

Extremely happy to present a trilingual anthology, a feast of all tightly bound emotions of all sorts, and so naming ourselves "The Tangled"! We, 34 authors, have given our best to express our emotions as well as engage and entertain our readers to the fullest, and shower them with a waterfall of beautiful emotions. Complied by Harini Venkatraman under DARE TO DREAM.

Come, read it with an open mind, and we hope it leaves you with a contented heart and

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Books by Supraja Samudrala

ARTICLE OF THE INARTICULATE is an anthology compiled by SUPRAJA SAMUDRALA and managed by DARE TO DREAM. This book is collection of social issues and current raising topics which are written by 24 co-authors in English Hindi languages in various forms of articles, poems short stories etc.., this is the effort to bring the change and to change the state of mind of the people... You never feel bored reading this book. Instead you will come to know why and where t

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Books by Kena Parikh , Mahek Leua

RENAISSANCE OF SOUL is an anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book contains work of 34 writers, who has written in both English and Hindi language. This collection of stories, poetries and write-ups are perfectly constituted by the efforts of all the co-writers. This book contains a unique perception of seeing the world by different points of view. 
A strange confusion takes place inside us while living in the outer world and hence we lose the

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Books by Anwesha Das

'Midnight Thoughts' is an Anthology complied by ANWESHA DAS and presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book is a collection of poetry, quotes and short stories by 38 writers including myself.

Writers from around the world have put their thoughts and feelings in this book. I hope you love reading this anthology.

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Books by Shaik Afreen

'Life is not a Fairytale' is an Anthology complied by SHAIK AFREEN and presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book is a collection of write ups of 51 authors in both Hindi and English languages from various states of India.

This book is combination of short stories, poems and quotes. Main theme of this book is 'Life'. You will not get bored of reading this book, as you will get along different situations, shades and feelings. In short this book is the flock

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Ways To Keep Up With Life

Books by Ayushi Navani

Keeping up with life often gets difficult. Here is a book that comprises of some life lessons and a set of points to be followed. It caters to everyone who needs the motivation to keep up with life. 

Drawn from Author’s practical experiences, she shares how one can live their life in the best way possible by finding happiness in little things and overcoming real-life conflicts. 

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Books by Arpita Pattnaik

WAITING BEYOND FOREVER is an anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book brought 40 writers and their experiences of life into a collection in Hindi and English language. The write-ups are based on how waiting for something you desire desperately, can go beyond time forever .

This book will take you on a ride of different experiences, different thoughts, various sophisticated waiting journeys of life.
In short, WAITING BEYOND FOREVER will give

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Books by Tejaswini Bagade

BINDING THOUGHTS is an Anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book, brought 55 writers and their aspects of life into one collection in English. The write-ups are based on different styles and school of writing.

This book will take you on a ride of different emotions, different thoughts and through different shades of life from 55 different point of views. In short, BINDING THOUGHTS binding you all with different form of emotions from different par

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Books by Kavyasri Jajula

DIVULGE OF TRUTH is an Anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book is a collection of write ups of 53 writers in both Hindi and English languages. The write-ups are based on different styles and school of writing.
This book is combination of short stories, poems and quotes. You will not get bored of reading this book,as you will get along different situations, shades and feelings. In short the title itself portrays this is the flock of pure and tender

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Books by Siddhi Thoke

EMOTIONS EXPRESSED is an Anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book is a collection of write ups of 24 writers in both Hindi and English languages. The write-ups are based on different styles and school of writing.

This book is combination of short stories, poems and quotes. You will not get bored of reading this book,as you will get along different situations, shades and feelings. In short the title itself portrays this is the flock of naive emot

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Books by Shaik Afreen

BEHIND THE SILENCE is an Anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book is a collection of write ups of 56 authors in both Hindi and English languages. 
 This book is combination of short stories, poems and quotes. You will not get bored of reading this book,as you will get along different situations, shades and feelings. In short the title itself portrays this is the flock of pure and tender write ups. This book is compiled by SHAIK AFREEN

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Books by Sujit Kumar Mallick

ONE DREAM MANY ACTIONS is an Anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book is a collection of write ups of 52 writers in both Hindi and English languages. 
This book is a combination of short stories,couplets,sonnets,poems and quotes. You will love to read all write ups and would explore new things. This book is compiled by SUJIT KUMAR MALLICK.

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Books by Shreya Singh

If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.


There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. We live and breathe words    It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not

completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them. Reading your words, what you wrote, how you were lonely so

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Books by Ayushi Sharma

LOVED THE WRONG ONE is an anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. It contains some of the finest work of writers.This book is a collaborated work of 50 writers who write in English and Hindi language. This collection covers different styles of writings based on the theme “Loved The Wrong One” & “Betrayed In Love”. 

This book portrays different emotions and feelings on a specific theme. In this book you will find outlook o

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AYUSHI SHARMA's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher



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Books by Darshana Thapa

UNSPOKEN WORDS is an anthology compiled by DARSHANA THAPA under DARE TO DREAM. This book comprises of interesting and heart touching poems and stories written by 26 writers. Sometimes ignorance forms bridges and the voice is left unheard creating a fire within our heart and soul leaving sparks that burns us bit by bit into pieces leaving ashes .The co-authors have tried their best to frame the words in a way so that it touches the readers' heart.   

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Books by Rajvi Varatiya

A NOX DREAM is an anthology  compiled by RAJVI  VARATIYA under  DARE TO DREAM. This book comprises 41 admirable pieces of writings composed by 15 writers. This book covers all the aspects of human emotions  and  sentiments . It draws every colour of life . It is entitled as 'A Nox Dream ' behind  this title there is a ginormous dream of doing something in every vision of life.

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Divulge Of Smiles

Books by Prachi Sharma, Karishma Khubchandani

'DIVULGE OF SMILES' is an anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book contains work of 32 writers who have written in both English and Hindi language. This book is a collection of poetries, stories and beautiful write-ups. While reading the contents you'll get to know a smitten side of life and your perception of seeing and living the life will be changed. We've tried to show you a enamoured side of living life. This book is compiled by PRACHI SHARMA and K

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Books by Bidisha Buragohain

PRISTINE POESY is an anthology compiled by BIDISHA BURAGOHAIN under DARE to DREAM. This book is a collection of 120 miscellaneous poems in English composed by 55 writers from different walks of life. This anthology is an effort to collect the vivid thoughts, emotions and imaginations of different people. A reader would enjoy reading the poems in it as they would find language to their own thoughts and emotions in them.


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Books by Sara Abbas

Dappled Shades is an anthology compiled by Sara Abbas under the guidance of DARE TO DREAM. Sara's anthology is a compilation of poetries, quotes and short stories by 41 ardent co-authors. It is an attempt to bring akin talents under an umbrella and provide a comforting shade of tranquillity to the readers.

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मोहब्बत और फ़ासले

Books by सूजित कुमार मल्लिक

मोहब्बत और फ़ासले एक संकलन है , जिसमे 15 लेखकों ने अपनी प्रस्तुति दी है और इस किताब को एक रूप दिया है, इस किताब का संकलन सुजीत कुमार मल्लिक ने किया है, किन्तु सारे लेखकों ने भी अपना पूर

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Books by Harini Venkatraman

Extremely happy to present a trilingual anthology, a feast of all tightly bound emotions of all sorts, and so naming ourselves "The Tangled"! We, 34 authors, have given our best to express our emotions as well as engage and entertain our readers to the fullest, and shower them with a waterfall of beautiful emotions. Complied by Harini Venkatraman under DARE TO DREAM.

Come, read it with an open mind, and we hope it leaves you with a contented heart and

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Books by Supraja Samudrala

ARTICLE OF THE INARTICULATE is an anthology compiled by SUPRAJA SAMUDRALA and managed by DARE TO DREAM. This book is collection of social issues and current raising topics which are written by 24 co-authors in English Hindi languages in various forms of articles, poems short stories etc.., this is the effort to bring the change and to change the state of mind of the people... You never feel bored reading this book. Instead you will come to know why and where t

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Books by Kena Parikh , Mahek Leua

RENAISSANCE OF SOUL is an anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book contains work of 34 writers, who has written in both English and Hindi language. This collection of stories, poetries and write-ups are perfectly constituted by the efforts of all the co-writers. This book contains a unique perception of seeing the world by different points of view. 
A strange confusion takes place inside us while living in the outer world and hence we lose the

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Books by Anwesha Das

'Midnight Thoughts' is an Anthology complied by ANWESHA DAS and presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book is a collection of poetry, quotes and short stories by 38 writers including myself.

Writers from around the world have put their thoughts and feelings in this book. I hope you love reading this anthology.

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Books by Shaik Afreen

'Life is not a Fairytale' is an Anthology complied by SHAIK AFREEN and presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book is a collection of write ups of 51 authors in both Hindi and English languages from various states of India.

This book is combination of short stories, poems and quotes. Main theme of this book is 'Life'. You will not get bored of reading this book, as you will get along different situations, shades and feelings. In short this book is the flock

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Ways To Keep Up With Life

Books by Ayushi Navani

Keeping up with life often gets difficult. Here is a book that comprises of some life lessons and a set of points to be followed. It caters to everyone who needs the motivation to keep up with life. 

Drawn from Author’s practical experiences, she shares how one can live their life in the best way possible by finding happiness in little things and overcoming real-life conflicts. 

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Books by Arpita Pattnaik

WAITING BEYOND FOREVER is an anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book brought 40 writers and their experiences of life into a collection in Hindi and English language. The write-ups are based on how waiting for something you desire desperately, can go beyond time forever .

This book will take you on a ride of different experiences, different thoughts, various sophisticated waiting journeys of life.
In short, WAITING BEYOND FOREVER will give

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Books by Tejaswini Bagade

BINDING THOUGHTS is an Anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book, brought 55 writers and their aspects of life into one collection in English. The write-ups are based on different styles and school of writing.

This book will take you on a ride of different emotions, different thoughts and through different shades of life from 55 different point of views. In short, BINDING THOUGHTS binding you all with different form of emotions from different par

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Books by Kavyasri Jajula

DIVULGE OF TRUTH is an Anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book is a collection of write ups of 53 writers in both Hindi and English languages. The write-ups are based on different styles and school of writing.
This book is combination of short stories, poems and quotes. You will not get bored of reading this book,as you will get along different situations, shades and feelings. In short the title itself portrays this is the flock of pure and tender

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Books by Siddhi Thoke

EMOTIONS EXPRESSED is an Anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book is a collection of write ups of 24 writers in both Hindi and English languages. The write-ups are based on different styles and school of writing.

This book is combination of short stories, poems and quotes. You will not get bored of reading this book,as you will get along different situations, shades and feelings. In short the title itself portrays this is the flock of naive emot

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Books by Shaik Afreen

BEHIND THE SILENCE is an Anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book is a collection of write ups of 56 authors in both Hindi and English languages. 
 This book is combination of short stories, poems and quotes. You will not get bored of reading this book,as you will get along different situations, shades and feelings. In short the title itself portrays this is the flock of pure and tender write ups. This book is compiled by SHAIK AFREEN

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Books by Sujit Kumar Mallick

ONE DREAM MANY ACTIONS is an Anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. This book is a collection of write ups of 52 writers in both Hindi and English languages. 
This book is a combination of short stories,couplets,sonnets,poems and quotes. You will love to read all write ups and would explore new things. This book is compiled by SUJIT KUMAR MALLICK.

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Books by Shreya Singh

If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.


There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. We live and breathe words    It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not

completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them. Reading your words, what you wrote, how you were lonely so

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Books by Ayushi Sharma

LOVED THE WRONG ONE is an anthology presented by DARE TO DREAM. It contains some of the finest work of writers.This book is a collaborated work of 50 writers who write in English and Hindi language. This collection covers different styles of writings based on the theme “Loved The Wrong One” & “Betrayed In Love”. 

This book portrays different emotions and feelings on a specific theme. In this book you will find outlook o

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