Dr. Srinivasan G Chari

Srinivasan Chari comprises over a decade and a half of the far-reaching exposure in content areas, writing, corporate communications and as a prolific trainer.
Srinivasan Chari comprises over a decade and a half of the far-reaching exposure in content areas, writing, corporate communications and as a prolific trainer.



Books by Srinivasan Gopal Chari

The story “Untempered Rebels” is set in some country, which resembles many countries in the world today where there exists oppression and tyranny. It is narrated from the point of view of a middle-class, oppressed who has been struggling with injustice and corruption for a long time. A protagonist is a man who lives his life as per his conscience and does not hesitate to speak out against wrongdoings.

His parents were also one such people,

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Books by Srinivasan G. Chari

The story "Wet Blanket", more than a typical fiction, is a hard-hitting narrative of the realities of prejudices, discriminations and homicide, and the monstrously distending obscurantist society at large, with barbarism as the consequence, and warranting befitting punitive actions to stymie those. 

The inert, apathetic and unresponsive people and systems tortuously empower the maladies to prolong - and the cascading brunt is woefully weathered by

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Cow On The Ice

Books by Srinivasan G. Chari

‘Cow on the Ice’ is amply a metaphorical expression of the bovine yet innocuous entity the world is referred to as. Its vulnerability to the societal menaces is on the brink of the consequent detestable happenings all around.  

The world is beautiful, despite the insurgencies, injustices, violations of the laws of the universe, and the transgressions inflicted on it in some way or the other. But to eliminate the social wrongfulnes

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ME - Blue Magic

Books by Srinivasan G. Chari

ME- Blue Magic is a fiction in the garb of stark realities the society is faced with and harnesses the grit to cope with it and emerge stronger in the utmost fierceness of societal woes and throes. It brings up the volatility of minds and the devastation and benefits they can entail and yield to society, knowingly or unknowingly. 

The beginning and middle portions of the story reflect all of that and the climax exposes the community happenings and

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A New Crack Of Dawn

By Dr. Srinivasan G Chari in Stories | Reads: 1,094 | Likes: 1

                                                                                   This Valentine can be a quintessential occasion to convey our care and love for the institutions that serve the deprived and strive for inclusiveness of the marginalized. The   Read More...

Published on Feb 15,2021 08:19 AM

A Slow Motion Moment To Smile

By Dr. Srinivasan G Chari in Stories | Reads: 705 | Likes: 0

We were just cruising on the highway, surrounded by the deserts of Arabia, whilst a raging SUV ran away speedily. Freddy, who dozed off, lolled his head on the headrest of the seat, woke up with surprise, seeing our car lurching due to the speedy road rage of the SUV. Feeling smacked by the SUV for   Read More...

Published on Feb 14,2021 11:17 PM

She Livened Me Up

By Dr. Srinivasan G Chari in Stories | Reads: 212 | Likes: 0

The darkness in the sultry afternoon seemed thumping down its heat, as I saw it when I opened my eyes to a morbid, somnolent looking environment of a hospital I was brought to. In the emergency room of the hospital, my eyes opened to, gave me an unbridled shock when I gained senses from faintness.   Read More...

Published on Feb 14,2021 10:11 PM

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