Rita Rana


Need Of A Change

Books by Rita Rana

"Need Of A Change" is a collection of 51 poetry and prose. This book is a flow of emotions and thoughts. The world seem to be unfair and imperfect but it has lot of happiness and joyful surprises for us and to get these all, we have to bring change in our perspective and behaviour. Changing our self is a choice and we should make this choice if we want to bring a good change in our life. To see the world with a new and different perspective, there is need of a

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By Rita Rana in Poetry | Reads: 1,312 | Likes: 4

Love is not a certain picture that can be painted on canvas, Love cannot be calculated, compared and restricted Pushing each other ahead is love, Growing together is also love Correcting each other is love, Ignoring mistake is also love Expressing anger and disagreement is love, Letting go and forgi  Read More...

Published on Feb 24,2021 06:34 PM

Us and we

By Rita Rana in Poetry | Reads: 842 | Likes: 5

I do not miss those long chats, I miss that expressive silence. I do not miss holding hands, I miss that comforting existence. I do not miss roses and chocolates. I miss those strengthening fights. I do not miss our eye contact, I miss that soothing sight. I do not miss that hug and touch, I miss t  Read More...

Published on Feb 17,2021 11:37 AM

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