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फ़र्श से अर्श तक

Books by शालू वर्मा

फर्श से अर्श तक जाने का मकसद केवल ऊंचाइयों को छूना ही नहीं बल्कि हरेक परेशानियों को निगलते हुए उस अर्श को छू लेने से है, जो कि फर्श से कोसों दूर है।
मुश्किलें परेशानियां दुःख

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A Secret of Smile

Books by Harshita Hingad & Priyanshu Sharma

The Anthology "Secret of Smile " is the collective efforts of 24 writers present all over the world. We all have diffrent reasons for their Smile, sometime they can't express the feelings to someone of their smile. That is the secret of Smile. Few people are behind of a smile,few people are the reasone of Smile. So, this Anthology is just to Spread happiness and make Smiling face all around the world. 

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Books by Sakshi Jain & Priyanshu Sharma

We tribute this book in the memory of my grandmomWe tribute this book in the memory of my grandmom.This is the work of fiction and solely represent  the thoughts of the corresponding authors of the articles.

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इश्क़ ए एहसास

Books by सिम्पी अग्रवाल

पुस्तक के बारे में

पुस्तक में मेरे विशेष, मेरे पति को समर्पित कविताओं को शामिल किया गया है। पुस्तक विविध कल्पना के साथ-साथ दिल की भावनाओं की लहरों की गहरायी को दिखाने वाली वास

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Books by Neha Singhania & Priyanshu Sharma

The Anthology " Sapno Ka Safar " is the collective journey of 55+ writers present all over the world. We all have a story for our dream, So, it's a feeling of everyone journey of their dream and the struggle of their journey by Writers in this Anthology & this anthology  comes out of best with the support of endowment of growing writers and the Compilers Neha Singhania and Priyanshu Shama compiling is really rewarding.you will connect or see your dream in

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Books by Ayushi Tiwari

The Anthology "Journey 2020 " is the collective journey of 105 writers present all over the world. The year 2020 was a year of many accomplishments and of adversity too. 2020 came with an exictment for all as it's a first year of new decade but later with the news of spread of Corona virus from China the year become one of the remarkable and unforgettable year of the century "The heck Year". Here mankind was tried and challenged, but was able to triumph, in sp

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मेरा भारत महान

Books by अर्पिता खरे

बहुत सारे लेखक ऐसे हैं जो लिखते हैं और अनजान (अनसुने) रहते हैं। वे अपने शब्दों और अनसुनी भावनाओं के साथ खुद को प्रस्तुत करते हैं। ये लेखक अपने वास्तविक, अपने वास्तविक पक्ष को छिपा

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Books by Pawana Tripathi

" SHE  "  ( unafraid , uninhibited  , undefined  ) Not only  a book but everything that you can achieve , admire or cherish as a woman this is the book to serve the tribute to all womens to present the identity of lady in different roles and circumstances  to establish a line for revolution to create the impression of existence of lady to celebrate the Power and determination  to show an ocean of emotions and bundle of strugg

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Love : Heals or Destroys

Books by Priyanshu Sharma & Priyanshi Mussadi

Love is one of the most beautiful feeling in the world, rather it is love based on what relations work.

Love can heal a person or destroy them completely, isn't it?
 Let's discover love and it's eccentricities.

In our book , we have tried our best to enhance the qualities of love and it's essence in human life.

- Compilers.

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Books by Priyanshu Sharma & Ayushi Agrawal

This anthology "vow of protection" contains poems, short stories, micro tales, and letters that are used in so beautiful manners by our co-authors to show their love towards their siblings.

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