shiphrah Joyheart



LIFE - An Evergreen Spring

Books by Shiphrah Joyheart

"Infinite miles more to go,

Infinite glories more to bring.

Endless fruitful seeds more to sow,

For life is an evergreen spring"

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The Glimpse of Paradise

By shiphrah Joyheart in Poetry | Reads: 900 | Likes: 1

The Glimpse of Paradise   The moments with you are the Bliss Mornings with you are the day's first Kiss In your Arms is wrapped Life’s every romance  Yes.. with you is captured the paradise's glance   With you saw Life’s every splendor You are the best gift, wonderful blessing  We made for e  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 11:50 AM

Let our hearts dance

By shiphrah Joyheart in Poetry | Reads: 385 | Likes: 1

Let our hearts dance   Of you remains alive the hope Heart in your beats is deeply soaked Be we wrapped with the eternal lace of Love  Glorifying Lord forever we be one   In the showers of blessing Embraced you while kissing Over the bed of roses Becoming one we both uniting   When the heart hol  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 11:48 AM

The most favourite dream

By shiphrah Joyheart in Poetry | Reads: 577 | Likes: 1

The most favourite Dream   You are the reason of why heart beats this fast Your presence ring the heart bells Be our love beyond the infinity vast We both remain sinked in the love wells   With you saw every Rose of life Yes.. it's favourite dream to be your wife Be of us the union made by our Lor  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 11:44 AM

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