
Aspiring writer.
Aspiring writer.



Books by Kalaivani P

War is a  poetry book that makes us realize for which love we should fight. This book goes by the poetic narration of a girl named "Yellow" who battles to make her unstable emotional cycle to be stable. In this journey, she realizes and eventually makes us realize what is love, what love is worth fighting for, and the disappointments she gets from the love she thinks is worth fighting for. In this journey, every girl or every human being can personally co

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அவள் பேசிய மொழி

Books by ப.கலைவாணி

இப்புத்தகத்திலுள்ள ஐம்பது கவிதைகளும் வெவ்வேறு கோணத்திலிருந்து ஐம்பது கதைகளை சொல்லும். எளிமையான  கவிதைகள் வழி இனிமையான நினைவுகள் தரும் புத்தகம். படிக்கப் படிக்க ரசிகரா

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What a coincidence!

By kalaivani in Stories | Reads: 437 | Likes: 1

She was a girl of eighth standard .that was the second day of her school she was talking about the new student in her van mate boy's class .as she was talking about that with her van mate who is younger than her she saw some school students going by bicycle to school she asked her vanmate brother wh  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 09:11 AM

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