Satish Apte


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Vayu Mahashastram

Books by Sri Kutupananda Nath

 Translation of this rare scientific Sanskrit work on Climate /Atmospheric sciences. This subject comes in many Jyotish Samhita books like Brihat Samhita , Parashara Samhita . Seeding of clouds and rain forecast, thunderstorms forming , sea fire , layers of atmosphere , rainfall measurements are important subjects of this book .

This book is reference & equally quick go book for students & teachers of Vedic Astronomy , Astrology , Climate Science

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Technology of Treta Yuga

Books by Sri Kutupananda Nath

Satya , Treta , Dwapara and Kali are four yugas in Vedic Astronomy by which time is measured . Each yuga has its characteristic by which it influences life on earth . Climate of the earth , continents , mountain & seas , plant & animal life , every thing changes as per the yuga . DNA of human of every yuga has its unique features . These features affect strength of the body , mind & prana . Bodies in earlier yugas could manifest more powers of the mind than in

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Badarayana Prashna Vidya

Books by Sri Kutupananda Nath

This is short astrological treaties on hoary astrology by Sage Badarayana . Badarayana was sage of Vedic times almost 3600 years ago . He was living in times of Vasistha , Parashara & Vyasa . Lost Sutras on Vedanta were written by him .
This Sanskrit text is perfect for astrologers , researchers of astrology and students of ancient astronomy . Text is prepared from different manuscripts . It has thought provoking introduction on history of Indian astrology

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Automation & Robotics in Sanskrit

Books by Sri Kutupananda Nath

In vast sanskrit works on sciences like astronomy and engineering we come across the word Swayam-Vaha Vidya .
It means science of automation .
Not only in technical sanskrit works but in poems & poetic prose literature also we find description of automatic machines & robots . In this book of compilation such instances of automata in Sanskrit works from 5th century AD are compiled together with english short commentary on actual quotations from likes of

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Machines Von Aryans

Books by Sri Kutupananda Nath

Space travels has been the interest of illumined minds since ancient times . Several references can be traced to Greeks, Egyptsian & Indian texts regarding spacecrafts . Vimana Shastra of Rishi Bharadwaja is such text fully devoted to it . It describes about different types of aircrafts, their construction & working of aeroplanes . We find mention of aeroplanes in Ramayana & Mahabharata , ancient sanskrit epics . Then we see them in sanskrit plays of Dandi . B

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