Jay Yadav

Jay is an Indian author, astrologer, and Vedic scholar. He has spent more than a decade in reading various astrology classics, writing many articles on Vedic astrology, and giving astrological consultation. A professionally trained Geologist, Jay is
Jay is an Indian author, astrologer, and Vedic scholar. He has spent more than a decade in reading various astrology classics, writing many articles on Vedic astrology, and giving astrological consultation. A professionally trained Geologist, Jay is


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Vedic Astrology Predictions

Books by Jay Yadav

Without solutions Astrological  analysis is not fully done. If we know the problems and the solutions then only we can address the problems. This book contains such solutions to your astrological problems. It gives the readers very simple and easy to perform remedies of the nine planets, it also provides remedies related to Rudraksha , and remedies for various doshas like Kalsarpa dosh and pitru dosh. This book also provides mantras for special purposes a

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Books by Jaydeep Yadav

Every human being wants to be successful in life. The definition of success varies from person to person. For some people professional development is a success, for others success is related to achievements in personal life. Whatever it is, personal or professional; success does not come overnight. It is the result of the bit-by-bit effort we put every day into our lives. To achieve something we need to effectively follow a strategy. Plan, act, adjust, talk ab

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Books by Jaydeep Yadav

601 SNAPSHOT PREDICTIONS is a collection of nuggets gathered from the vast ocean of Vedic Astroloogy. This book contains 601 Vedic Astrological predictions which can be used in any horoscope. From the position of the nine planets in the twelve houses to the transits of planets and their effects, from the effects of the planets in each zodiac sign to fining the vocation, from the nature of spouse to the effects of Nakshatras, and much more; this book is an atte

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Astrology and Pending Karmas

Books by Jay Yadav

The horoscope is the reflection of one's past deeds. Astrology works on the priciple of Karma theory which is based on cause and effect relationship. The results of good karmas brings happiness whereas the results of bad deeds brings grief. Based on his previous deeds a person enjoys or suffers the fruits of such Karmas done in the past. 'Astrology and Pending Karmas' is about various astrological techniques to find out the causes of suffereings and happiness.

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In The Roots Of Vedic Astrology

Books by Jay Yadav

In the roots of Vedic Astrology contains 15 chapters, which deals with the various aspects of Astrology. From the planets in different houses and signs to the techniques for finding the nature of education, type of career, and the timing of getting a job, nature of spouse and the possible location of the spouse, late or early marriage, love or arranged marriage, childbirth, and the infl

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Second Sight

Books by Jd Yadab

A collection of short-stories written ranging from romance, to mystery, to philosophy of life. Explore the culture and lanndscape of North-East India in a head-hunter's dilemma who's fear started to haunt him after a violant blood bath with his enemies from the opposite tribe.

Follow the American girl Tanya who has left her home and came to the mysterious city of Varanasi to find her love whom she met online and lost.

Thieves can be trusted. Ba

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The River Monster

By Jay Yadav in Science Fiction | Reads: 2,095 | Likes: 0

Standing at the bank of the Ganges, with tearful eyes a woman is waiting for the boat. Her name is Baishaki, it is the name of the month she was born on an island in the Sundarbans. She and her 4 years old boy - Rubel,  are going to the city, leaving the village forever. Five years ago Baishaki  Read More...

Published on Oct 29,2022 01:05 PM

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