Assistant Professor of English
Assistant Professor of English

ம. மரிய ஹெலன் ஜெனோபா (கார்க்குழலி), கன்னியாகுமரியில் சிறிய கிராமத்தில் பிறந்தவர். சிறு வயதிலிருந்தே கவிதை எழுதுவதில் ஆர்வம். இளங்கலை படிக்கும் பொழுது "கவிமுகில் விருது" மற்றும் "அறிவொளி விருது" இவற்றை குறிஞ்சி கபிலர் சங்கத்Read More...


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The Changing Contours in Indigenous Epistemology

Books by M Maria Helen Janoba And V Priyadharsini

Indigenous study is a wide field of study with a great potential to imbibe various discursive inquiry. The National Seminar "The Changing Contours in Indigenous Epistemology" aims to set the ground to discuss and navigate the challenges and possibilities of indigenous literature. Besides these the seminar provides a platform for prolific scholars and academicians to come up with multiple standpoints, thereby analyzing myriad point of views. The objective of th

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ஒதுக்கப்பட்ட எழுதுகோலின் கிறுக்கல்கள்

Books by அ. பியோ பென்ஸி சலேட்

A.Beo Bency Salate (எழுதுகோலின் முனையில் என்றும் நான்)
 ஒதுக்கப்பட்ட எழுதுகோலின் கிறுக்கல்கள் .

கவிதைகள் என்பது நாம் எண்ணத்தையும் ,ஏக்கத்தையும்,  கோர்த்து எழுதுவது. அதுபோன்று எ

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Digital Payments System in India

Books by Dr. A. Martina Franciska M.com.,m.phil.,net.,ph.d Anddr. S. Sahayaselvi M.com.,m.phil., Net., Ph.d

The conception of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has brought a paradigm shift around the corporate and government sectors, concretely in the banking sector. As a result, all the business icons, politicians, bureaucrats, academicians and every citizen of the country want to reform the transaction of banking sector ascribing to one’s own boon on digital products and quick transactions.  At this moment, technologies sow the seeds of dig

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Books by (கார்க்குழலி) ம. மரிய ஹெலன் ஜெனோபா

என்னோடு இரு அது போதும்! பிறகு யோசிப்போம், வாழ்க்கை முடிவிலியா, முடிவா என்பதை!

என இன்னும் காத்திருக்கிறேன்! நம் காதல் பயணிக்கும் தூரம் அறிய!

காதல் யுத்தத்தில் விரும்பி

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மறக்க முடியாத நினைவுகள்

Books by அஸ்வினி.பா

உன் மௌனத்தில் உள்ள வார்த்தைகளையும் உன் கோபத்தில் உள்ள அன்பையும் யாரால் உணர முடிகிறதோ அவர்களே உனக்காக படைக்கப்பட்டவர்கள் ஆவார்.வாழ்க்கையில் நடந்த மறக்க முடியாத நாளை இங்க

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Books by Dr. Sr. Mary Johnsy

This book is the outcome of a long felt deep desire. Effort has been pumped into it to adhere to the veracity of incidents and events chronicled.

           Like any library, our library is of all ages.  It continues to be a haven of humanity that is anchored in truth. To any ardent seeker it gives the feeling of emerging from winter into spring. It connects one with his/her own direct intuitive experiences and weaves

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எனக்கு பிடித்த ஆசிரியர்

Books by இளமாறன்

மாதா பிதா குரு தெய்வம்” என்ற வரிகளிற்கேற்ப தாய் தந்தையற்கு அடுத்த படியாக போற்றப்படும் ஆசியர்கள், ஒவ்வொரு மனிதனின் வாழ்க்கையிலும் தவிர்க்க முடியாத இடத்தை பெறுகின்றார்க

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Books by Prasanna Prabhu And Yuvashree

EUPHORIA anthology offers excitement as a whole. This book is made from a huddle of co-authors. Euphoria is a veneer of happiness which is carried out uninterrupted in the anthology. Readers will get to feel the full solid beats and the complete cheeriness of the writer’s emotions in the sheets of the book. 

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A text book on "Environmental Studies"

Books by Dr. Jeni Candra Padua

The environment consists of the physical, chemical and biological world that surrounds us. The word environment is derived from the French word ‘environner’ which means to ‘encircle’ or ‘surround’. Environment includes bothliving beings and non-living factors andtheir interrelationships. 

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The Shades of Musings

Books by F Senita And J S Jeflin

"The Shades of Musings" is an anthology enclosing quotes, Poetries and short-stories. This work include Indian Languages like Tamil and Hindi. "The Shades of Musings" is co-authored also in English. This Anthology has a powerful emotion reflecting our own Musings. The co-authors have worked hard in bringing out their best.

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Books by காவ்யா சீனிவாசன்

இலக்கியம் என்பது ஒருவர் தங்களின்  எண்ணங்களை வெளிப்படுத்தும் இடமாக இருக்கிறது. கவிதைகளும், சிறுகதைகளும் ஒருவரின் எண்ணங்களை வார்த்தைகளாய் வெளிப்படுத்த சரியான வழியாகும்

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பெண்ணியம் பேசுவோம் அர்த்தம் உணர்ந்து

Books by கவிஞர் பா.பாலசரவணன்

“பெண்ணியம் பேசுவோம் அர்த்தம் உணர்ந்து”

பெண் இல்லாமல் இவ்வுலகில் மனித உயிர்கள் இல்லை என்பதை அனைவரும் உணர வேண்டும். பெண் என்பவள் காமத்திற்காக படைக்கப்பட்டவளோ இல்லை

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The Man with a Vision

Books by V Manikanda Balaji

“Cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence” These words inspired me to cultivate mind of people with socio responsabile thoughts. This book is about the man who gave right and thoughts for people to build a society without any discriminations. The vision of this man is reason for the rights we all are enjoying and this book is a tribute and also a knowledge sharing about the great leader who had the great vision towards this

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Books by Shama Parveen

This is an anthology which is designed to inspire or motivate for loving themself too, like in today's era, people have forgotten themselves. As this anthology is based on Self Love.

You will definitely like all the writing contents.

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Books by Dr. A. Anami Augustus Arul & C. Prasanna Kumari

Sustainable agriculture is primarily concerned with methods that lessen reliance on nonrenewable or environmentally hazardous inputs. Hydroponics is one such method of growing plants without soil, here nutrition and water mixture compensate for what the soil can essentially do in the growing process. Plants produced in hydroponics take up 20% less room than plants grown on soil. Soil quality varies greatly from one region to the next, and many plants have stro

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Happy Hinge

Books by M. Maria Helen Janoba & V. Priyadharsini

The anthology Happy Hinge is a wonderful blend of short, funny poems written by different authors. Every poem follows the ‘Limerick’ pattern which makes the anthology more challenging and unique in its own way. It is definitely a new effort of the compilers in giving the readers an anthology that contains surprisingly engrossing content. 

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The Blooming Rose

Books by Sayandeep Pal

The Blooming Rose is compiled by Sayandeep Pal. This anthology is based on love and the beauty of love. 
This anthology is really special as the compiler has dedicated this book to his soulmate Bunny (Kaushiki Sarkar). She is a co-author in this book. 
The compiler would like to thank all the co-authors for contributing their beautiful write-ups, time and patience in this book. Also, the compiler would thank to the project head for cooperatin

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Expression of Hearts

Books by Susmitha Sharu R

Literature is the only place where one can express one’s thoughts. Poems are a perfect genre to express one’s thoughts into words. Words are the expressions that hearts tend to speak. Expression of Hearts is a wonderful compilation of poems by the writers around the world. A bunch of versatile poets have contributed their priceless thoughts through poems. This anthology will mesmerize the hearts of the readers with its exemplary choice of words.&nb

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நானே எழுதத் துவங்கினேன்

Books by ம.பெர்வின் சுதர்

சின்னஞ்சிறு கட்டுரைகள், கவிதைகள், அரசியல் பதிவுகள் சிறப்புரைகள், பேச்சுக்கள், முகநூல் பதிவுகள் என்று குறுகிய வட்டத்தில் மட்டுமே பயணித்து வந்த எனக்கு நண்பர்கள் மற்றும் நல

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Green Packaging: An Eco-Friendly Approach Towards Sustainable Development

Books by Dr G Hesil Jerda & Dr S Sahayaselvi

Ecological sustainability is one of the recent topics which are discussed by all the tycoon of the corporate, policy makers, academicians and every citizens of the country over the past decade. It’s only because of the threatening atmosphere which persists around the globe that made the earth suffer irreversible side effect such as deep climatic changes and depletion of natural resources. This rising concern for environmental protections has brought eco-

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வேர்களின் மொழி

Books by அருள்முனைவர் து ஜெரார்டின் ஜெயம்

புன்னை மரத்தடியில். . . என்னும் குறுநாவலை எழுதிய பின் என்னுள் எழுந்த கிளர்ச்சியின் விளைவே வேர்களின் மொழி. சிறுகதையாக எழுதத் தொடங்கிய "புன்னை மரத்தடியில்" குறுநாவலாக உருப்பெ

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Snatched Away Unjustly

Books by M. Ilankumaran

There is an extraordinary beauty in the pride a father feels for his young son, and extraordinary anguish upon being deprived of him unjustly. They say, “Moments last for seconds, but memories make them last forever”. SNATCHED AWAY UNJUSTLY does not only explore the treasure trove of memories buried deep in the hearts of two grieving parents, but also explains the secret ingredients that went  into the making of a commendable and charismatic 2

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முதல் வெற்றியின் சுவை

Books by கரிசல் கழுகனார்

தோல்வியை தழுவாத மனிதர்களே இவ்வுலகில் நாம் பாத்திருக்கவே முடியாது.  என்ன தான் நாம் எவ்வளவு மிகப்பெரிய தோல்வியை சந்தித்து இருந்தாலும் நாம் அந்த தோல்விகளை நினைத்து வருந்த

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Friends for Life

Books by M. Maria Helen Janoba

"Friends for life” is compiled by Janani Vairam. This anthology is dedicated to those who are playing the role of our secret diaries, well-wishers, therapists and absolutely a mess and our comfort zones, they are none other than our “FRIENDS”. This anthology can be taken in a way to thank, appreciate and cherish the moments that we have spent before with our lovely companions.

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Books by Arulmozhi. P

"MY SOURCE OF LOVE”  is compiled by Arulmozhi P. Mom is not a word, it is an emotion. Whatever your life situation may be, mother is the only soul who stands in all our thicks and thins. This anthology is a tribute to our selfless, loving, generous and strong enough Mothers.

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Inklet Voice

Books by Krati Singh Bhadouriya

INKLET VOICE is a bilangual anthology.It contains writeups of both the languages.Co authors have beautifully written their thoughts in the form of poetry,story etc.Enjoy Reading!

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Flying Butterfly

Books by Asmin Janisha P

Butterfly! Butterfly!
With dazzling hues & 
passion in life!
Its varied stages of struggle
Make us strong &
flashes the slogan for life -
Shine like a star,
Make others admire -
Looking thy beauty and courage!!!

"Flying Butterfly" conveys the beauty of love and nature like the dazzling hue of butterfly. With its struggle, it faces the world with bright and positive vibes. Looking at its heartwarming flight, the mind

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Make It Memorable

Books by Sihla

The anthology "MAKE IT MEMORABLE" is a collection of beautiful write-ups written by many writers. As it doesn't restrict the writers to a particular topic, the writers have explored different themes and wrote their hearts out. A wide range of thoughts of 50 co-authors, expressed through their words, are brought into the world's view in the form of this book. All in all, this book is a treasure full of memorable write-ups by wonderful writers.

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Books by Nilanjasha Howlader

"The Unseen Sparks" is a open book that talks about the different genres at the same time. It is a helping source and a guidance to the readers. More likely a source of motivation to all. In life, people wishes to fly high with their wings. They wanted to achieve their goals and convert their thoughts, and provide an information that is very much helpful to guide fellow beings on the very straight and important path.

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Let’s Converse

Books by P. Sathya

Let’s Converse is designed to maximize your output. Grab every opportunity to use the target language. Engage in meaningful interaction while doing the activities and apply the same in your everyday use of the language. Listen to your teacher’s instructions before doing the activities.  

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Dedicated To. . .

Books by Shruthi K Guhapriya

Ever felt a feeling of very strong support for or loyalty to someone or something? This book has such lovable ideas penned down by various authors.Readers will perceive the author’s affection, respect and gratitude acknowledged to people and inanimate things that inspired and assisted them in their life journey and learning process.

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Inscape, Escape

Books by Dr. V. Virgin Nithya Veena

Inscape/Escape: Journey into the Interior/Exterior navigates plethora of ideas on journey of the mind and land. Its exploration of emotions and experiences forges an emotive vision of life.

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Books by Sandhya Muralidharan

Mom is always wow 
Yes, no soul can care you like your mother. But what is that 'one thing' you give back to her? 
That's the smile. The smile that indicates that you're happy amidst all the chaos. 

But apart from that we have decided to give her a tribute through this anthology by expressing all the unexpressed words through our pen and hence it took a form by means of an anthology called "MY GUARDIAN ANGEL".

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மௌனமாய் பேசும் மெல்லிய காதல்

Books by லி. அக்பர் உசேன்

அறியாத கடல் ஆழமாய் 

உன் காதலை அறிந்து...

முடியாத நடை பாதையாய் 

உன் கூடவே நடந்து...

ஒளிரும் நில ஒளியாய் 

உன் பார்வையிலேயே கிடந்து...

மீண்டும் என் ஜென்ம 

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The Treasury of Arts

Books by Harris Miriam P (aaru) & Maxlin V J

“Treasure of Arts” is the collection of arts by magnificent up-coming artists ofIndia. Here they spread out their own ideas, emotions, feelings, passion and love, through black and white and colourful drawings.Each and every drawing consists of an individual message to the World and in unique style. This anthology isthe pre-eminent step to creategreat artists in future India.

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Unspoken Words

Books by M. Ihshana Fathima

In everyone’s life there should be a person who understands the Unspoken Words. Unspoken words speak the loudest. The words we leave unspoken are the most important ones that should have been said. The best feeling is when someone understands your unspoken words. The unspoken word is something that let go of emotions. Each and every word of this anthology reveals the unrevealed emotions hidden inside oneself. 

 The book “UNSPOKEN

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உறுதி கொள் மனமே

Books by சந்தியா லோகநாதன்

அழுது அழுது கண்ணீர் தீர்ந்து விட்டது...

வாழ்க்கை முழுவதும் கவலைகள் சூழ்ந்து விட்டது...

உறவுகள் எல்லாம் விட்டு விளகி விட்டது...

எத்தகைய சூழ்நிலை வந்தாலும்...

இந்த வா

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Melting Melodies of Life

Books by P Harris Miriam

“Melting Melodies of Life” is a book filled with positivity and naturalistic thoughts. It fixes nature and life with positivity. It talks about three different topics - nature, women enablement and life, by keeping ‘positivity’ as a tool to interconnect all the three. The book gives bucolic view to nature, focuses on self-worth of women and showcases untether zeal of life. It sculpts the melodies of life with nature to prove God’s

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அவனோ(ளோ)டு என் உலகம்

Books by அருணா தனசேகர்

ஒருவர் மீது உள்ள காதல் அன்பு பாசம் என அனைத்தையும் வெளிபடுத்த கிடைத்த ஒரு பரிசு கவிதை மற்றும் கதை அதனை அழகுற வர்ணிக்க ஏதுவாக  அமைவது இந்த புத்தகம்.

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For an Elegant Prospect

Books by Anns Fetrica J H

“FOR AN ELEGANT PROSPECT” is an anthology that includes poetry, short story and article written by various writers. This is an inspiring account of hope in attaining beautiful destiny and this gives out a spirit to overcome all the hurdles that destiny throws at you. The writers perfectly captured life’s uncertainty and the struggles in achieving their goals. Thus hoping to attain what you desire will surely take you to the elegant prospect.<

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Books by Beril Jebastin

Endurance is an anthology that speaks to the readers about how we need to live and why we need to live, through the works of the co- authors. Life is all about ups and downs. We might have lost hope at several times. Yet, we are living today, surviving all the obstacles of life. We have endured the tough times to claim the identity of who we are today and we will continue to endure. The readers will gain this type of confidence and get to know the importance o

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Let's Converse

Books by P Sathya

Let’s Converse is for those who wish to enhance their communication skills. Exercises given in the book are graded and it provides ample opportunities for the learners to enhance their conversational skills. 

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Layman's Law

Books by V Manikanda Balaji

The book "Layman's Law: An Enlightenment" highlights the need to cultivate people’s mind with Fundamental Law of Rights, as it is the duty of every Citizen to know.  

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Dad & Me

Books by M Maria Helen Janoba, V Priyadharsini

Dad & Me is a collection of poems & short stories that, by its zest of emotions connects anyone with its fine blend of love & honor. Also, fairly it is dedicated to all the lovable Fathers in the world.

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Portals of the Heart

Books by C. Christal Jani

Portals of the Heart is a collection of various genre carved with feelings and thoughts of amazing artists. This book beautifully penned their magical touch through their writings.

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ஞாலத்தின் நாணம்

Books by சந்தியா முரளிதரன்

"ஞாலத்தின் நாணம்" எனும் தொகுப்பு நூல் 35 கவிஞர்களின் கவிதைகளால் உருவான ஒரு அற்புதமான நூல். இந்த உலகத்து உயிர்களின் அழகு வெட்கத்தை கவிஞர்கள் வார்த்தைகள் மூலம் வர்ணித்துள்ளன

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Unembellished Musings

Books by Badireddi Sai Indira Devi

Unembellished Musings is a delightful anthology of different poems and stories. It’s a blend of veracious emotions wholeheartedly written by various authors. They are unembellished musings; the musings penned down, which aren’t adorned. But they could capture the hearts of the readers. The authors made an exemplary effort in exposing the readers to the real life situations.

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அவளுடன் என் பயணம். . .

Books by ம. மரிய ஹெலன் ஜெனோபா (கார்க்குழலி)

நட்பின் வலிமை, தங்கை என்னும் உரிமை வாழ்வில் கிடைக்கும் பொக்கிஷம். உன் உருவாய் எனக்கு கிடைத்தது இப்பரிசு. நட்பென்னும் உணர்வை அனுபவித்து அதனை வார்த்தை என்னும் ஆயுதம் கொண்டு

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Drizzling Depictions

Books by R. J. Angela Gifty

This book is a collection of thoughts in a mind which contains lots of emotions. In this book a set of disarrayed thoughts are arranged in a good manner so as to give a proper idea to others.

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Scribbled Thoughts

Books by Samrin Nisha S

Certain things cannot be justified by words but a poem can. And this anthology "Scribbled Thoughts "is the journey of love, life, emotions, confessions, tears, healing etc...The readers will have a glimpse of the writers deepest emotions which they have scribbled in the form of words.

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மகளின் மன்னன்

Books by ம. மரிய ஹெலன் ஜெனோபா (கார்க்குழலி)

அப்பா மகளின் முதல் கதாநாயகன். அப்பா இல்லாதவனுக்கும், அப்பா இருந்தும் இல்லாமால் ஏங்கும் மனம் அறியும் அவரின் அருமை. எனக்காய், என் சிரிப்பிற்காய் ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் காத்துக்கிடக

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கருவாச்சியின் காதல் ஓவியமாய்

Books by ம. மரிய ஹெலன் ஜெனோபா (கார்குழலி)

காதலின் ஆழமும் அதன் வலியும் அனுபவத்தால் வடித்தெடுக்க முடியும். காதல் ஒரு அற்புதம். புரிந்தவன் முத்தெடுப்பான். புரியாதவன் மூழ்குவான். காதல் ஒரு இனிய உணர்வு. என் இன்ப வலி இந்

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Broken Heart

By M.MARIA HELEN JANOBA (KAARKUZHALI) in Poetry | Reads: 372 | Likes: 1

You stolen my heart  unknown you  theft my heart Bubba You satisfied me soul my nerves are beating my heart is living because you love me you know me but you left me lessons of life wounds of love overwhelming happiness all you can give but you scatterd my flesh and blood love you more and more yo  Read More...

Published on Feb 26,2021 08:04 PM

To My Micky

By M.MARIA HELEN JANOBA (KAARKUZHALI) in Stories | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0

You are my sun shine my dear love. you were there when nobody was with me to lift up me. i didn't the love you shower upon me is a true one because the days are like innocent one. you just for time pass proposed me but my mother scolded you not to love each other. On that day itself you have started  Read More...

Published on Feb 26,2021 08:00 PM

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