Dhruv Jain


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Books by Anushka Deepak Jere

Wandering Minds : Part 3 is a compilation by Miss Anushka Deepak Jere from Mumbai under the guidance of Dhruv Jain, The founder of DJ Publications.

The contribution of five wonderful co - authors have filled life in the book with their nostalgic thoughts. Every page is the result of hardwork and deep emotions of the writers and the compiler. The compiler has tried her best to provide the readers with good contents and pleasure of re

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In her Loving Embrace

Books by Anushka Deepak Jere

"In her loving embrace" is a Mother's Day special compilation by Miss Anushka Deepak Jere from Mumbai under the guidance of Dhruv Jain, The founder of DJ Publications. 

The contribution of five wonderful co - authors have filled life in the book with their nostalgic thoughts and love for their mother. Every page depicts the love and emotions of a child towards their mother and the unconditional love and care of her. The compiler has tried her best

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Books by Anushka Deepak Jere

We all have hobbies and vocations that manage to give us a rebirth in an absolute distinct cosmos, which give us a breathe of fresh air! Similarly, residing in the heart of this teenager, who may be young by age but no criterias limit her capabilities is a passion that has rewarded her with not only trophies and certificates, but new challenges and experiences ; both which she has managed to conquer. Anushka Deepak Jere is a writer by passion, an Indian

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Books by Anushka Deepak Jere

Wandering Minds : Part 1 is a compilation by Miss Anushka Deepak Jere from Mumbai under the guidance of Dhruv Jain, The founder of DJ Publications.

The contribution of five wonderful co - authors have filled life in the book with their nostalgic thoughts. Every page is the result of hardwork and deep emotions of the writers and the compiler. The compiler has tried her best to provide the readers with good contents and pleasure of re

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Books by Dhruv Jain

THE NEVER ENDING JORNEY is the book where writers can tell story of their success. This book is compiled by Dhruv Jain the founder of this publication. Both the writers will do their best for the book sincerely and submit on time without any delay and any issues. We would like to thank you to all the co-authors of the book for giving their time for this wonder full book named THE NEVER ENDING JORNEY.

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Books by Puja Kumari

This anthology “RAKSHABANDHAN ” is 
a perfect combination of Assemblage of 
great ideas and experiences of co-authors of 
the essence of Rakshabandhan collected 
form the group of spectacular writers from 
all over India. The Writers expressed their 
thoughts and ideas to wonderfully ink on 

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Bonding forever

Books by Rama Dubbaka

All Relations in our family are connected with us before we born but only for one relation God given chance to us to select I.e Friendship.

Friends are the most beautiful part of our life. In Everyone life there will be atleast  one friend to share their feelings  either happiness or sadness.

Some beautiful memories we can capture only with the friends and that bonding will be forever where we cannot

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Books by रोहिनी माया रामू वाघमारे


    मी रोहिनी माया रामू वाघमारे. 

माझे शिक्षण BSC chemistry मधून पूर्ण झाले आहे, सध्या मी पुढील शिक्षण शिकत आहे. 

     माझा हा लिहण्याचा प्र

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Books by Anjali

'To live a peaceful life stay FAR FROM WORLD'

Far from world is complied by Anjali Vikas Jha. This book is creation of 5 writers from different spheres. Every writer has penned down their beautiful thoughts. There are many amazing write ups on different and unique topics.

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Books by Anushka Deepak Jere

"Nevermore" An anthology Compiled by Miss Anushka Deepak Jere from Mumbai under the guidance of Mr. Dhruv Jain under 'DJ Publications' will take you on the journey of life covering various topics compiled under open theme through poems, stories, quotes and many more written by the writers all round the world! This book contains the love, dedication, honour and pride of every author  as we guarantee you satisfaction on reading this book!

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Free Yet Caged

Books by Siddhartha Mishra

              “Free Yet Caged” is an anthology compiled by Siddhartha Mishra, under DJ Publication. Twenty Three co-authors penned their wonderful thoughts on different themes in this anthology. This anthology is written using simple and easily understandable words. This anthology depicts that in everyone's life there comes a time when they feel low or they want to give up. But that's not an option in t

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Books by Dr. Soujanya Maminlapally

This book, My Percipience (A Treasure of Feelings) elicits varied aspects of life / nature. I may not assure you that it motivates you, but I can definitely assure that it gives you a clear perception on the topics elucidated. It makes you to be more optimistic. If your perception is clear, no doubt you can face any challenge in your life and make you keep going as well as growing.

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Books by Siddhartha Mishra

“Ye Un Dinon Ki Baat Hai” is an anthology compiled by Siddhartha Mishra, under DJ Publication. Twenty Two co-authors penned their wonderful thoughts on different themes in this anthology. This anthology is written using simple and easily understandable words. This anthology depicts that in everyone's life there comes a time when they feel low or they want to give up. But that's not an option in that situation be like a flower that blooms even

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कुर्बानी शहीदो की

Books by राधा कुमारी & अंकिता नाहर

भारत को आजादी दिलाने में अनगिनत क्रांतिकारियों का नाम याद किया जाता है लेकिन जब भी देशप्रेम की बात की जाती है, उन क्रांतिकारियों में सबसे पहले 23 मार्च 1931 को शहीद हुए भगतसिंह, सु

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Petals Of The Ruined Rose

Books by Puja Kumari

“The more you love roses the more you must bear with thorns.”

Petals of ruined rose is compiled by Puja Kumari.

 This book is a creation of 5 writers from different spheres. All of them has penned down their own thoughts. The theme and genre of the book has been kept open for the Authors to have a variety of thoughts about different things of their own.

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मझे कुछ कहना हे

Books by निर्मल राठौर

"मझे कुछ कहना हे " वह पुस्तक है जिसमें कविता, गद्य आदि सहित मेरे सभी लेखन शामिल हैं।
मैं बचपन से लेखिका रही हूं। ये ह
नए विचार नहीं, मैं पहले से ही अपनी कल्पना में उनक

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Books by Berdhisha P & Mohammed Niyaz

         “RUN ON FUMES” is an Anthology compiled by Berdhisha P & Mohammed Niyaz under DJ Publication. Fifty co-authors beautifully penned their heartfelt words in simple manner. This anthology has mixed themes and genres. The co-authors penned their thoughts in the genre which they love most.  Each write up has some essence of love with aestheticism. Run on fumes is like a motivation to the readers to chasing on

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रुनझुन ( काव्य संग्रह)

Books by गोल्डी मिश्रा

रुनझुन ( काव्य संग्रह) एक काव्य संग्रह है। इसमें विभिन्न भाव और अनुभव को लिखा गया है। कई बार हम अपने भाव और विचार को सही ढंग से रूपांतरित नही कर पाते । पर कविता एक ऐसा माध्यम है जि

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7 Shades of Life

Books by Anveshitha

7 shades of our life is an anthology compiled by Rajvi and it's her first ever anthology. It contains the write ups of 30 co-authors which consists of poems, stories. They all penned it down beautifully narrating their views on life and about the emotions. Each author is best here in their own way and we can be able to see our life in a different perspective with this anthology.

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Books by Agarsana T K

In a poetic fashion, this book will unveil my hidden mysteries and feelings. Many individuals worked behind the scenes to help the book (Pebbles of Queendom) to born. Let us investigate my enigmas.

My heartfelt gratitude to the Management, the Correspondent, the Principal, Department of Englishof Kongu Arts and Science College(Autonomous) Erode, Dr. L. Mahalakshmi for her wonderful admiration in passing the book, my cherished mentor

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Absconded in Verbum

Books by Ankita Roy (gargi)

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Confide Yourself

Books by Agarsana T K

The book will discuss the life that is underneath the trust that allows human souls to succeed.The book will discuss the life that is underneath the trust that allows human souls to succeed.

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Motivational Quotes

Books by Rama Dubbaka

Mostly in our society no one understands our situation and pain they always eagerly wait to know what happens in our life because to insult us and discuss about our fate based on the situations.

In any tough or bad situations we need some people to share our feelings to get motivation but mostly all are fake some will take that as an advantage.

So my intention is to motivate yourself in all situations and don&r

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Books by Dr. Seema Dansana

The bond between a father and daughter cannot be broken.The love of a daughter for her father is second to none.Daughters reach for their father's guiding hand their entire life.

"A father teaches his daughter how to love and be loved.Every daughter adds a little sparkle to her father's life.Every man a woman meets is measured through her father's eyes.Bright daughters are raised by brilliant fathers.

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Books by Dr. Seema Dansana

Loving someone and having them love you back is the most precious thing in the world.Love is a beautiful thing. Finding the love of your life is one of the best things that can happen to your life. When you are in love with “the one”, you feel genuine attraction and passion towards each other.Your special someone will always make you smile and feel better, compromise with you, listen to you, and be a constant source of support.


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Books by Dhriti Mehra

Greetings to bibliophiles,
You must gaze at these irresistible writings written by Dhriti Mehra and get ready to tie up your seats to explore the world of wonderful words where she has poured out her sentiments in form of poetry. 
Wish you a contended reading.

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Perpetual Anecdotes

Books by Sudatt Waghmare

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and 
the thought has found the words 
 Robert frost
Superficially poems seem piece of art that requires 
copious vocabulary, bazillion thoughts and 
astounding creativity. but poetry is not just rhymes 
and alignment of thoughts in structure, but poems are 

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Books by Sankalp Mirani

Let me tell you a story in this piece,

A story to be read even if future,

For it will be stored for my kids,

To know how I rose from challenges.

After this story,

Hope you won’t say I brag,

‘Cause i’m and was because of God,

For the far He brought me.

We lived in

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மழலையின் சிணுங்கல்

Books by மு.ஹர்ஷினி

மற்ற நேரங்களில்
ரசிக்கப்படுவதை காட்டிலும்..
ரசிக்கப்படுவதே அதிகம்!
பேரழகு. இந்த பேரழகிற்கு புன்னகை கலந்த  

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Books by Dhruv Jain

"Everything has been figured out except how to live" And words that speak of hearts and souls together, can be the only way to vent out emotions and fathom heads in the world. Tales of heart, an anthology that brings together minds spread throughout the country to ink their thoughts; not just engages the reader, but also helps poetry society and life from perspectives of unsung writers. We aim at bringing up voices unheard and emotions unfettered. Not ju

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இயற்கையின் இதழிசை

Books by மு.ஹர்ஷினி

இயற்கையின் நேசிக்கும் சுவாசிக்கும் இதயங்களுக்காகஇந்த இளம்கவியின் கன்னித்தமிழில் கடைசி பக்கம் வரை நீரோடை பயணமாய் அமைதியும் ஆங்காங்கே நட்பு வட்டாரங்களில் நவரசமும் நன

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THE ESSENCE OF LIFE ( from the Song of God )

Books by Sanjana Rawat

The Essence of Life is followed by the essence of knowledge and love . The Essence of life is deepened it  remains like where to start from where to end .

 This book contains quotes that throw light on the lost path for the confused mind. It propagates the best words of wisdom .

This book included few verses with their core meaning ,  some quotes and well developed examples as writeups  from

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Books by प्रीती शर्मा

इस किताब को मिस प्रीति शर्मा ने लिखा है। इस किताब में उन्होंने प्यार, अपनी खुशी, अपने बुरे समय, अपनी प्रेरणा, प्रकृति की सुंदरता और अपने माता-पिता के बारे में लिखा है।


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Fire and Ice.

Books by Bhawna Agrawal

The book ‘Fire And Ice’ has published under the ‘DJ’ publication house .

   In this book, readers will get to read about various emotions in the form of poetry. Co-authors have penned down all their feelings on various emotions . The content and language of the book are presented in such a style that readers can easily understand the feelings behind the words. May you find heartwarming pieces within

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Books by Dhruv Jain

Holi is known as the festival of
colours. It is one of the most important
festivals in India. Holi is celebrated
each year with zeal and enthusiasm in
the month of March by followers of
the Hindu religion. Those who
celebrate this festival, wait for it every
year eagerly to play with colours and
have delectable d

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Books by Sujasha Banerjee

TREAT YOURSELF is an open book that talks about the different genres at the same time. It is a helping source and a guidance for the readers. More likely a source of motivation to all. We want to fly high with ourwings. We want to achieve our goals. We just wanted to convert our thoughts and provide an information that is very much helpful to guide you on the very straight and important path So this anthology is a way to communicate about our thoughts an

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Books by Prachi Gupta


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Books by Manisha Sharma

“The Raindrops of Warmth” is a collection of poems, gazals, quotes and open letters by the team made of some of the tremendous writers from all over the world. This book is like a mystical force that can bring a marvelous change in reader’s life.
This book is really going to be a great source of inspiration for the readers.

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अधूरे सपने

Books by डॉ सीमा दंसाना और ओम अवधेश दुबे

हमारे सभी सपने सच हो सकते हैं, अगर हम उन्हें पूरा करने का साहस रखते हैं। एक सपना जादू से हकीकत नहीं बनता; इसमें पसीना, दृढ़ संकल्प और कड़ी मेहनत लगती है। सपनों को थामे रहो, क्योंक

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Books by Gopika Unni

Words alone can’t do this amazing feeling justice. That’s because the great difficulty about love is that it is so difficult to put it into words. This book is a compilation of Poems,Ballads, and Narrations from various Co - Author's Those who have established their rare feelings about  love that a person can fall in love with another person.  The emotional spectrum of expressing love is very wide.  It can bring wonderful emoti

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Books by Arpita Kawde

“There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more”

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Books by Soniya Varghese

Friends With Benefits is a book which deals with the feeling of the writers about their best friends who makes them happy and gives a reason to live for. Friends are always an asset to be kept with us because without them we'd be alone one day or the other. So this book is just a collection of writings about friends and their Friendships.

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A Game of love

Books by Puja Kumari

A Game of love is an anthology of 50 writers which depicts their feelings and emotions amazingly in the form of Poems, quotes and short stories . To memories the heart of readers and others. Each line of their writings will speak the strings of their heart and souls.

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Books by पूजा कुमारी

दुनिया भर में अगर कुछ आपको आपके व्यक्तित्व से यथावत परिचय करवा सकता है तो वह है आईना, जो कभी झूठ नहीं बोला करता। आप जैसे हैं यह वैसा ही आपका बिंब आपको दिखा देता है। वक़्त के साथ ब

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Books by Zainab Saboowala

Times when we feel unwanted and lonesome all we need is Tender Love.
Tender Love is an anthology in which our wonderful co-authors have shared what Love means to them and have poured their feelings out whole heartedly.

Tender Love is the feeling of compassion, affection, care or warmth and this book is filled with Feelings and Expressions of Love.
In this world of fake relationships all we need is

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आत्मीय संगठन

Books by गुणवंती हरीश थानवि & भावना मेहता

आत्मीय संस्था - यह पुस्तक बहनों और मित्रों को समर्पित है। इसमें अपने विशेष को समर्पित लेखकों के कुछ विशेष लेखन शामिल हैं।
विशेष रूप से संकलक इसे समर्पित करना चाहते थे औ

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मेरी माँ

Books by प्राची गुप्ता

मेरी माँ प्राची गुप्ता द्वारा अद्भुत लेखकों के साथ संकलित एक संकलन है, जो उन सभी माताओं को सलाम करने के लिए है, जो कड़ी मेहनत, भक्ति, बलिदान करती हैं और अपने बच्चों से बिना शर्त प

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Unfulfilled Dream

Books by Hema Israni And Sujal Sachdeva

Unfulfilled dreams is a collection of amazing write-ups. Writers mainly writes their feelings. Which they feel from their heart. So it's a request to the reader's that they must read this book my their heart. This anthology contains many write-ups on the open theme. So the writers have bkexplored various theme. This book contains writing in the writers are creation a beautiful world of writing to witness.

Hoping that you witness the

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Books by Siddhartha Mishra

"Eternal Soul", is a book where you can understand 
how important is self-care, which is necessary in 
these modern world. Every poem is written in form 
of a structure to feel the roots of motivation and 
make a realistic on the worth of being alive as 
humankind. All of us have different story but the 
one who deals

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Books by Reena Bharath

About The Book

Establishing meaningful friendships can make for richer and fuller lives. Yet it can sometimes be difficult to connect to others when you express your individuality in uncommon ways. 

This Anthology is a collection of Write-Ups from Many Authors on the topic Friendship. 
Friends are the most important people of our lives. They mold us and make us who we are. <

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Mera Bharat Desh Mahan

Books by Raushan Singh,kanishka Goyal

There are so many writers who write and remain unknown (unsaid). They present themselves with their words and unsaid feelings. These writers hide their actual potential , their real side of passion . we the compilers of book Raushan singh and kanishka goyal, were their for those who were in need of talent writers to express themselves to the world of writings with their names. This has all the emotions of the writers who wanted to be a part of this book.

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Books by Prachi Gupta

This anthology compiled by Prachi Gupta, with amazing co-authors aiming to boost the confident of an individual who wants to shine and sparkle in their life with their amazing talent

It's basically a book which consist poems, quotes or tales which helps you to enhance your soul and makes you feel calm as a Butterfly...!!

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Books by Prachi Gupta

Dead Of Night, is an anthology compiled by Prachi Gupta with 50 amazing writers.

It is a collection of beautiful thoughts, imagination and reality of any persons at mid-night which is poured out in this book to make you feel Good or bad at the same time. 

After reading this book, you will lost in your world with some random thinking

Keep enjoy reading with us

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Books by Prachi Gupta

Blessing Of God is a devoted anthology by Prachi Gupta with beautiful co-authors, 
For all the parents out there who loves their children unconditionally and support whatever the situation it is.

Without mother and father, there is nothing in this world 

So, with the hope of respecting our parents love and devotion for us, we salute to them and wish they live with us forever till our

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MOON The planet of love

Books by Sneha Dhama

Moon, the planet of love is the book which expresses the importance of Moon in every phases of our life.

The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.And

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Books by Annaibharathi.p

The anthology Solivagant Soul encompasses completely original work of the 50 writers who have contributed to the book. Efforts have been made to ensure that the book is free from plagiarism. However, in case any plagiarism is found then neither the compiler nor the publishing house shall be responsible for it. Characters, names and incidences depicted in this book are purely the work of fiction. Any similarities to persons living or dead are purely coinc

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My Family

Books by Mishti Biswas

My family is an anthology which is done

under MD Publication which conveys the

heartiest feelings towards every family

member. It’s all about the work of fiction. All

the thoughts, writings has been penned by the

imaginative purpose of the writers itself. We

do not take any responsibilities in case of

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Books by Annie Franklin F

This anthology named "Inscribe " under MD Publication is a work of fiction. The compilers have tried to make sure that all the write ups in this book are original and are plagiarism free.All the thoughts, writings has been penned by theimaginative purposeof the writers itself. We do not take any responsibilities in case of plagiarism of content found as the publication, founders nor the compilers would beresponsible for this.The writers will be the sole

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Books by Meetu Chopra

Scribbling Zone is a book which is mainly for the scribblers.It Compiled by Meetu Chopra under MD publication. In this book talented co- authors share their experiences that how they feel about the love relations. The experiences of all co author are in different genres and different languages. The Book "Scribbling Zone" specifies their meaning  by it's name "Scribblers". 
Happy Reading

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Books by Poojaa

'Forgotten dreams' is a collection of poems, stories and quotes... which shows the passion of our marvelous writers for their work , dreams, goals etc. 

It is said that Dreams are the suppressed or ignored desire and also the path to heaven. In this book we have tried to compile all our dreams which we have forgotten in the rush of life

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Blooming Shadows

Books by Ritika Dasgupta

Darkness is something we all need to overcome at some point in life. It gets so tempting that coming out becomes a real struggle and you are stuck for a long time. 

Blooming shadows is a book which reminds that there's light after every shadow, there is hope after every despair. A person goes through the dark times to find the light after. And the book is a must read especially if you have struggled through dark times and are s

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Journey During Covid

Books by Diwanshi Narwal

In Early 2020, our liver were upended by a new virus that caused the most severe pandemic in over a century.In the span of few weeks, even visiting a grocery store become a task in risk assessment. Cities and countries accross the world closed their borders for their own citizens, as well as foreigners. Newspapers carried alarming accounts of rapidly rising numbers of COVID-positive cases, patients dying and migrant labourers desperately trying to reach

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Books by Athira. A & Athira C. K

“Music is life itself” – Louis Armstrong 
Really wonder if there is even a single person in this world who is not fond of music. Classical, electronic, pop, jazz, rock; no matter what is its genre, soulful music always wins the heart of listeners.
‘Saregama’ is all about music. It is an English - Hindi poetry anthology compiled together by Athira. A and Athira C. K. under MD Publicati

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Books by Yachika Prajapati

Congratulate all the CO-AUTHORS od this book for coming up 
and contributing to this anthology with this Amazing pieces of works. This book 
would not have been possible without them and their absolute support. We thank 
them from the bottom of my heart for showing such a great amounts of confidence 
in us. 
We also

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Insane hearts

Books by Bhumika Varshney

This anthology is a work of fiction. All write-ups in this book are original and plagiarism free.  

All write-ups are unique and they belong solely to the co-authors.  

In case of any detection of plagiarism, neither the publishing house nor the compiler is to be responsible.  

The sole responsibility of the write-ups is on the writer.

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All Around Us

Books by Sanskar Gupta

All around us is all about our society. The things which happen around us. We at times neglect things but we should be aware of the things and raise voice against them.

In this book we just want to show the normal things which are going around and if the same things happen with us, we shouldn't face it just fights against.

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पलकों में पलते ख्वाब

Books by ललित मेघवाल & सविता निमेष












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Books by Sanjay Naik & Gargi Ghosh

About book - 


A person keeps passionate dreams in himself. Many hopes keep growing in the mind and they are eager for when it will finally be fulfilled. Everyone sees dreams but only a few are fulfilled. The authors have tried to understand this by their beautiful writing in the presented book. We are sure that readers will definitely like this book.

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Teen Age

Books by Priyanka Varma

Being a teenager is an amazing time and a hard time. Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and conquer the world.

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Books by Muskan Ilyas Patel

About the book



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Books by Susan Petricia & Swarnapriya

The king,
This book is all about our beloved SSR.
Our co-authors strove their level best to pour out the feelings for SSR.
 A collection of poems, collected from various writers all over the world.
And its beautifully compiled by two best friends, named susan petricia and swarna priya.

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Unconfessed feelings for you

Books by Sanjay Naik & Ka. Parinasri

It's not always possible to confess our feelings to that special one. 
Sometimes we never wanted to let them know about our feelings! 

The literal meaning of love is not just to have someone in your life.  It is common to want someone endlessly, but finding happiness in their memories and understanding the meaning of love shows you the mirror of purity.  There are some feelings that you don't want to insult them just by giving t

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Books by Sanjay Naik & Dharshini .m

Insouciant is an action or quality shows someone's lack of concern about something which they might be expected to take more seriously. There's a certain amount of lightheartedness in insouciance, but rather than merely being cheerful, someone with insouciance truly couldn't care less. Here 50 writers share their wonderful writing in this book. I hope that this book will rule many hearts of the readers.

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Books by Sanjay Naik & Bhawna Mehta

This book is dedicated to My Brother MR.VARUN MEHTA.This book is perfectly focused on the feelings of man. There are some pains of a man which he cannot share with anyone and he hide his emotions inside. Men may express emotions only in places where they feel safe, and where the expression of feelings is considered acceptable. In the book, the authors have likewise given a written form to the feelings of man through their own thinking. We hope that this

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जिंदगी के किनारे

Books by धीरजकुमार चौरसिया

इस पुस्तक में कविताओं को संग्रहित किया गया है और लेखक अपनी भावनाओं को कविता का रूप दिया है। इसमें कई प्रकार के कविताएं हैं, साथ ही कुछ कहानियां हैं। इस पुस्तक का मुख्य उद्देश्य

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Covid warriors

Books by Puja Kumari

 In this book we was written about those people who helped people during Corona 19. All those people are Covid Warriors. Those who win by war. Have protected others everyone by risking their lives. Doctors, Police, Nursing Staff, Social Workers, all these are the best example of Covid Warriors.

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Alfaaz Ke Juganoo

Books by Homa Salim

‘’Alfaaz Ke Juganoo’’ is a mix collection of love, feelings, expressions and desires. In this book everyone has tried to tell a short story of their life in their own words. What do those who have ever been in love or those who are still in love think, how are their expressions, movements, it is all in this book. Some people have seen life very closely and tried to tell how day is passing on them. Some have described their experie

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Books by Athira. A

‘Camaraderie’ is a collection of poetry by a group of
talented writers, compiled by Athira.A under ‘Stormbird
Publication’. The idea of this book is to portray a
collection of diverse point of view of various writers.
The book is absolutely unique as every co-author has
inked their emotions into the best possible way. The

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Books by Vanshika Parmar & Esha Yadav

This book called JOURNAL OF LIFE , is my first ever book published and all credits goes to DREAM PUBLICATION . We always talk about how our life should be or was , but we never talked about it freely , and so here we are with different writters all over the world who wrote over the journal or their life journey till prenet in a form of words which is sometimes emotional or sometimes proud . But like said " you get your life once , so live it tp the full

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Books by Rasheedha Gani

This Anthology will heal your pain and gives you peace. Whomever reading this book will get a thought to meet amazing 50 writers who gave birth to emotions and made this empty papers alive by a masterpiece, engaging their words. It makes you rethink the past and future of existence.

Trust is like God's fingerprint on our soul which is so unique. As like that each and every co-authors have writtened  there mercifull words to the

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Books by Abhinav Agrawal & Trapti Gupta

" A Crystal in the Sea" under MD Publication is a work of fiction. All the thoughts, writings has been penned by the imaginative purpose of the writers itself. We do not take any responsibilities in case of plagiarism of content found as the publication, founders nor the compilers would be responsible for this. The writers will be the sole source of the above same.

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Books by Abhinav Agrawal & Trapti Gupta

" A Crystal in the Sea" under MD Publication is a work of fiction. All the thoughts, writings has been penned by the imaginative purpose of the writers itself. We do not take any responsibilities in case of plagiarism of content found as the publication, founders nor the compilers would be responsible for this. The writers will be the sole source of the above same.

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Books by Meetu Chopra & Mohammed Niyaz


Sign of destiny will guide you with multiple chances of choice. You may be the game changer of your own life so as and this would directly effect on to yours own decision. The almighty's way have always been a blessing for us all the way. May it pours out the best of hidden wishes until surprises arrives your doorstep revealing the biggies off and on the right note.

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Books by होमा सलीम

"हयात-ए-सागर" प्रेम कविताओं का मिश्रित संग्रह है। जो प्यार की खूबसूरत भावनाओं और उसमें डूबे दिलों को व्यक्त करता है, कि जिन्होंने कभी प्यार किया है, उन्होंने महसूस किया है, भले ह

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The Memories that you create

Books by Aaditya Sharma

" The memories that you create" is all about different emotions. This Anthology includes different quotes, poetry etc which express the emotions of different writer's.

It is compiled by Aaditya Sharma under the MD Publication.This book consists of many co-authors which comes from different corners and penned down their beautiful thoughts.

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Books by Trapti Gupta

Anthology named
" under MD Publication is a
work of fiction. All the thoughts,
writings has been penned by the
imaginative purpose of the writers
itself. We do not ta
ke any
responsibilities in case of plagiarism
of content found as the publi

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Books by Trapti Gupta

Anthology named
" under MD Publication is a
work of fiction. All the thoughts,
writings has been penned by the
imaginative purpose of the writers
itself. We do not ta
ke any
responsibilities in case of plagiarism
of content found as the publi

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Books by Meetu Chopra & Rohit Gupta

Good life within the under bracket roots of our so called vibes. And so that we believe
that it may help us to reach out our destination. "Good vibes! Good life” under MD
Publication House being compiled by Meetu Chopra
and Rohit Gupta
respectively. We
thankful to the founders Mr. Dhruv And Miss. Meetu Chopra for having immense faith<

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Books by Ka.parinasri & Dharshini. M

United by heart is a concept which signifies unity among individuals who have certain differences among them . These differences can be on the basis of culture, language, ideology, religion, class, ethnicity, etc. The concept has certainly resulted in the ethical and moral evolution of humanity.This is because of the development of trust and bonding among people's heart. They are connected with love and care in their heart. Here in this book 50 Co-author

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Books by Parimala Pearl

Dads are God's masterpieces who have been there for us when we need caring,support,advice and moreover Love.And letting Dad know how important he is in our lives and his job even more rewarding.

Darling Dad is compiled by Parimala Pearl under MD Publications,This anthology is a collection of bilingual write-ups in different genres submitted by many co-authors and they dedicate their heart touching words to their father's on the occa

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Darpan दर्पण

Books by Mridula Arya

This anthology is based on different shades of life that we faced in the journey of
our Dream and Passion and one day,, when we took rest from all we see all as a
memories of mirror.
In the period of our journey during dream and
passion, we face many shades like
depressions, aggression, anxiety, love and loneliness etc.
So by taking a life lessons

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Umpteen Fondness

Books by Raveena Ravichandran

The anthology Umpteen Fondness encompasses completely originalwork of the 50 writers who have contributed to the book. Efforts have been made to ensure that the book is free from plagiarism. However, in case any plagiarism is found then neither the compiler nor the publishing house shall be responsible for it.Characters, names and incidences depicted in this book are purely the work of fiction. Any similarities to persons living or dead are purely coinci

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Books by Sanjay Naik, Meetu Chopra

" Desire" is all about different emotions towards the opposite sex in different situations. This Anthology includes different quotes, poetry etc which express the emotions of different writer's.
 "Desire  is compiled by Meetu Chopra and Sanjay Naik under the Dream Publication.This book consists of many co-authors which comes from different corners and penned down their beautiful thoughts.

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Super mom

Books by Meetu Chopra

" SUPERMOM " is all about different emotions towards 'MOTHER'.This Anthology is compiled on the special occasion of Mother's Day.This Anthology includes different quotes, poetry etc which express the emotions of different writer's.

 This book is compiled by Meetu Chopra and Puja Kumari under the MD Publication.This book consists of many co-authors which comes from different corners and penned down their beautiful thoughts.<

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Books by Meetu Chopra

" SUPERMOM " is all about different emotions towards 'MOTHER'.This Anthology is compiled on the special occasion of Mother's Day.This Anthology includes different quotes, poetry etc which express the emotions of different writer's.

 This book is compiled by Meetu Chopra and Puja Kumari under the MD Publication.This book consists of many co-authors which comes from different corners and penned down their beautiful thoughts.<

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Books by Pragya Verma



This world is full of fake love and broken hearts. So, this world needs to know the real meaning of Love. And the best example to teach people what is True Love is the Love of Shiva-Parvati.

Shiva-Parvati: Symbol of True Love is a wide-ranging, multi-genre compilation. In this marvellous book, you will get to read about the pure and true love of Lord Shiva and G

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Books by Pragya Verma

This world is full of fake love and broken hearts. So, this world needs to know the real meaning of Love. And the best example to teach people what is True Love is the Love of Shiva-Parvati.

Shiva-Parvati: Symbol of True Love is a wide-ranging, multi-genre compilation. In this marvellous book, you will get to read about the pure and true love of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

This book is a compilation o

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Books by Arshita Sharma

The combination of multi-talented writers with their glimpse of beautiful writings.A new dawn which signifies the talent of some selected writers hereby named “Aarambh"
Aarambh stands for a “new beginning". A small beginning where blooming stars are bunched together and are showcased through this anthology.

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Your companion

Books by Yachika Prajapati

Your Companion is an anthology which is Compiled by Yachika Prajapati which shares different emotions with your loved ones,or you could be addicted to it over a coffee or take this anthology on a date at the beach or a quiet hill of in your cosy bed. This ANTHOLOGY is sure to leave your heart talking to you.
This anthology is in love with itself.Many good and great writers have shown their skills in it.I thank all the authors who helped

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Books by Puja Kumari

“Dear grand ma” is a mixed collection of love poems. Which Expresses 
the beautiful feelings of grand maa love and the hearts soaked in It, 
that those who have ever loved, have realized, even if they Have been 
in love, the nostalgia that they have cherished in their Hearts as a 
beautiful moment.

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Books by Puja Kumari

 “Ek sapna” is a mixed collection of love poems. Which Expresses the beautiful 
feelings of love and the hearts soaked in It, that those who have ever loved, 
have realized, even if they Have been in love, the nostalgia that they have 
cherished in their Hearts as a beautiful moment.

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Books by Meetu Chopra, Mohammed Niyaz

( Eid - Festive Of Divine)


Emotions and divine are those two keys which leads one towards the path of almighty's treasure. The faith that has something hidden under our kitties. "Eid - Festive Of Divine" a special edition under Dream Publication House is compiled by Mohammed Niyaz And Meetu Chopra Respectively. We are thankful to Mr. Dhruv for having immense faith in us to compile this beautiful anthology on th

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ज़िन्दगी की आंख मिचौली

Books by गुड्डन नामदेव

ज़िन्दगी की आंख मिचौली ये पुस्तक गुड्डन नामदेव जी ने लिखी है। यह पुस्तक कुल छः कहानियों का संगठन है। इस किताब में कहानियां एक अलग ही अंदाज़ में प्रस्तुत की गई है ताकि सभी को पढ़ने

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Books by Sanjay Naik, Meetu Chopra

" Desire 2" is all about different emotions towards the opposite sex in different situations. This Anthology includes different quotes, poetry etc which express the emotions of different writer's.
 "Desire 2 is compiled by Meetu Chopra and Sanjay Naik under the Dream Publication.This book consists of many co-authors which comes from different corners and penned down their beautiful thoughts.

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Books by Meetu Chopra

"Family /parivar is compiled by Meetu Chopra under the Dream Publication by the grace of God.This book consists of 26 co-authors which comes from different corners and penned down their beautiful thoughts for increasing the positive vibes in our life.

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Books by Meetu Chopra

"Family /parivar is compiled by Meetu Chopra under the Dream Publication by the grace of God.This book consists of 26 co-authors which comes from different corners and penned down their beautiful thoughts for increasing the positive vibes in our life.

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Books by Alisha Gulati

"The world is never same when good poem is added to it"  said Dylan Thomas. Our writers of 'Anthropami' has definitely tried to add many great write ups to make difference in this world by encouraging everyone to make endeavour towards creative writing. 
Well, 'Anthropami' is distinctive term  which refers to  Mankind and Love. The whole book  revolves around the theme of Equality, Huma

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Books by Priyanka Verma

A “LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY OR HATE PASSIONATELY” is a mixed collection of love poems. Whiche expressesthe beautiful feelings of love and the hearts soaked in it that those who have ever loved, have realized, even if theyh havebeen in love, the nostalgia that they have cherished in theirh hearts as a beautiful moment.

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An absurd's existentialism

Books by Tulsi Mathur

Love. The poetry that hearts sing and soul hums. But a forbidden fruit for many as well.

Can love but may not, is the existentialist crisis faced by a fictional protagonist who embarks his journey of life through crests and troughs.
This book is an amalgamation of non-fictional prose and fictional entities to disambiguate the literary movements of adsurdism and existentialism. The author has woven her own thoughts and those of thinkers to deliver

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ख्वाबों का परिंदा

Books by मृदुला आर्य

ख्वाब - एक ऐसा एहसास है जिससे हर इंसान बहुत ही करीब से जुड़ा हुआ है और जो हर नामुमकिन को मुमकिन कर देता है।
   "ख्वाबों का परिंदा" कुछ ऐसे ही ख्वाबों का संकलन है जो कभी अधूरे रह

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वो स्त्री है

Books by ध्रुव जैन, अनुजा शर्मा

यह एंथोलॉजी कल्पना का काम है।
हमारे संपादकों ने पूरी कोशिश की है
साहित्यिक चोरी और किसी भी तरह से बचें
सबूत-पाठकों ने अपना काम किया है
उनकी ओर से सबसे अच्छा प्रूफरीडिंग

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बारिश की शाम

Books by अमन सिद्दीकी

"बरीश की शाम" प्रेम कविताओं का एक मिश्रित संग्रह है। कौन कौन से
प्यार की खूबसूरत भावनाओं को व्यक्त करता है और दिलों को भिगो देता है
यह, कि जिन्होंने कभी प्यार किया है, उन्हें ए

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Books by Naaz Nayim

This Anthology is a melody of memories the writers have beautifully described their every emotions 
through their write-ups and they have given their words that the write-ups are free from plagiarism and 
are original.
The compiler has also made efforts that all the write-ups in this book are error free and unique, and they 
belong solely to the co-authors.
In case of any detection of plagiarism, neither the publishing

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Books by Meenakshi Chooramani

'Rebirth (पुनर्जन्म)' is an anthology compiled and edited by Ms. Meenakshi Chooramani and Mr. Dhruv Jain. This book contains some of the most amazing works from 50 different writers and poets.  
 Rebirth (पुनर्जन्म) is a collection of poems, quotes, articles, abstracts and excerpts across numerous wavelengths, namely positivity, healing, heartbreak, embracing fears, self-love, motivation, and a lot more.

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Books by Dhruv Jain /neha Yadav

This Anthology is purely a work of fiction. The compiler has tried 
to make sure that all the write-ups in this book are 
Original and are plagiarism free. The compiler has also made 
efforts that all the write-ups in this book are unique, and they 
belong solely to the co-authors. In case of any 
Detection of plagiarism, neither the publish

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प्रिया दा सेवियर सिस्टर

Books by संजय नायक

यह एंथोलॉजी कल्पना का काम है। हमारे संपादकों ने किसी भी तरह की साहित्यिक चोरी से बचने की पूरी कोशिश की है और सबूत-पाठकों ने अपनी ओर से सबसे अच्छा प्रूफरीडिंग करने का काम किया है ज

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Books by Dhruv Jain, Tulsi Mathur

Hope. Its a small world but it encompasses the whole wide world. A world where writers contribute as mirrors to the society and ladders to reality. Thus, we have gathered writers from all over the country to unite through strings of language and generate rays of hope.
The book, being an anthology, supports pan-India ideas and encourages young writers to give a thought to their inner self and reflect it out to the world.
The readers, while reading the a

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