Dr. Subrata Sinha

Dr. Subrata Sinha is an author, poet and educationist and working as Assistant Professor at Dibrugarh University since 2006. He has authored books entitled "Anna Hazare and Second Freedom Fight of India" and "My Vedanta - Science of Spiritualism and
Dr. Subrata Sinha is an author, poet and educationist and working as Assistant Professor at Dibrugarh University since 2006. He has authored books entitled "Anna Hazare and Second Freedom Fight of India" and "My Vedanta - Science of Spiritualism and


मेरी आवाज़

Books by डॉ. सुब्रत सिन्हा

मेरी आवाज़ मेरी आत्मा की आवाज़ है जो मेरे अवलोकन में आए सत्य तथ्यों पर आधारित है। कविताओं का यह संग्रह सामाजिक, राजनीतिक, दार्शनिक और आध्यात्मिक जैसे क्षेत्रों को छूता है। मुझे

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My Vedanta

Books by Dr. Subrata Sinha

My Vedanta is observations of events happening in my life or the life of others around me. For the last 18 years, various questions were asked to me by many people. My Vedanta is the answer to those questions. I tried to understand those issues analysed it. I tried to correlate those events with each other to form some hypothesis. I realised the things which happens in our life has some specific reason. My Vedanta is an attempt to find those reasons based on m

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