Darshana Thapa


Falling in love

Books by Darshana Thapa

"Falling in love is a collection of poems about romance and fiction."

Every one of us undergo the stage of falling in love.The book is all about love,fate, rejection, destiny, hope.....

Hope you'll enjoy reading!!

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Life with nature

Books by Darshana Thapa

This is my first book and I hope you enjoy reading.Inspired and enchanted by nature's beauty throughout the journey of my life, thought of sharing my experience through writing.Passion of writing poetry enhanced my thoughts with fantasy,imagination,creativity etc.Nothing is impossible in life .Life is a struggle for existence.You just need persistence."So set your wings and let it fly until you reach the sky."Soon will be back with more experience..........

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Enchanted Forest

By Darshana Thapa in Stories | Reads: 575 | Likes: 0

It was raining and the forest was smiling as if something weird and unusual was going to happen.Never in my life had I seen such a day.Strong wind accompanied with rainfall and trees dancing with joy taking bath in the air feeling refreshed after passing days of scorching heat, perspiring all day lo  Read More...

Published on Feb 13,2021 06:56 PM

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