Manoj Kulshreshtha

is an academician, an avid reader, thinker and a sensitive poet.
is an academician, an avid reader, thinker and a sensitive poet.

Dr Manoj Kulshreshtha is primarily an academician and an education administrator. He has been active in Teaching and Research in food domain, particularly Agricultural & Food Engineering. He was Commonwealth Scholar at Reading University, UK (1988-91) and has been a member of British MENSA. He has had a distinguished academic career, spanning over 3 decades with several academic/professional honours to his credit. On a personal front, he has been an avid reader, serious thinker and a sensitive poet. He holds a rational, spiritual and humanist worldview. His writings are mostly personal. Read More...


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Books by मनोज कुलश्रेष्ठ

“मैं तुमसे कुछ भी बहुत अधिकार से कह देती हूं इसलिए कह रही हूँ कि इसके बाद से यहाँ मत आना”

वीरेन और अमि-दी के बीच कुछ अनकहा सा संबंध है। जो 30 साल के शून्य के बावजूद बरक़रार है। ह

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Dear Shrey

Books by Manoj Kulshreshtha

Dear Shrey is a collection of letters from a grandfather to his grandson. With their timeless and universal touch, these letters should appeal to all the children of the world, not just Shrey. Even their parents and grandparents will be able to relate to the underlying sentiments.

The letters are sometimes memoirs, sometimes conversational. They are like playful talks while walking in the garden, telling stories to impart knowledge and te

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Books by Manoj Kulshreshtha

Reflections is a collection of thoughts and poems of the author on a variety of topics ... Education, People, Life, Love, Pain & Suffering, Death, I, Ego and Search for meaning of one's existence. The tone and the language changes its shades from simple perceptions … advising … to intellectual  &  philosophical insights. The contexts vary from personal, societal to spiritual ... leading to a sensitive exploration into purpose of one's l

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टुकड़े-टुकड़े सच

Books by मनोज कुलश्रेष्ठ

‘टुकड़े-टुकड़े सच’ डॉ. मनोज कुलश्रेष्ठ द्वारा 40 वर्षों की अवधि में लिखी गई कविताओं का संग्रह है। ये कविताएँ किशोरावस्था से शुरू होकर सेवानिवृत्त होने तक की उनकी जीवन-यात्रा

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His Last Sad Story

By Manoj Kulshreshtha in Stories | Reads: 403 | Likes: 9

‘Why do you always write sad stories?’ she looked at him with a mocking smile. He was slightly disappointed. He had just read out his best story to her. Of course, it did have a sad ending … all his stories had. But he had expected more appreciation and understanding. She read his expressions.  Read More...

Published on Feb 18,2021 01:28 PM

प्रेम - एक नदी

By Manoj Kulshreshtha in Poetry | Reads: 4,224 | Likes: 12

हमारा प्यार शुरू हुआ ... एक पहाड़ी नदी सा छोटी-छोटी बातें जल धाराओं सी जुड़ती चली गईं और बेबाक, टेढ़ी-मेढ़ी, लहराती-बह  Read More...

Published on Feb 16,2021 09:07 PM


By Manoj Kulshreshtha in Stories | Reads: 258 | Likes: 13

They were not lovers! She lived in a small town with ordinary people, with their small talks and gossips. She came from an ordinary family of small means. She had a natural beauty and innocent eyes… just like fresh morning dew. Yet, her simplicity did not make her look vulnerable. She had an elega  Read More...

Published on Feb 16,2021 08:57 PM

Bear with me, My love!

By Manoj Kulshreshtha in Poetry | Reads: 330 | Likes: 21

Bear with me in my inability to handle my pain to keep it confined to my heart It overflows out of me and spreads its depressing grey in the colors of your life.   Bear with me in my death every moment is tearing me apart time is shattering me to dust even the gentle wind carries me to nothingness.  Read More...

Published on Feb 13,2021 04:52 PM

An Apologetic Death

By Manoj Kulshreshtha in Stories | Reads: 378 | Likes: 18

Forgive me, I shall have to die now. I know it is unfair on my part to leave you saddened by my sudden decision to depart. After all, it was only yesterday that I looked most lively and dreamful about future. But, the impact of death is in its sudden arrival - when it is least expected or desired.   Read More...

Published on Feb 13,2021 04:26 PM

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