Shreyan Mishra

Storyteller, Coding Enthusiast
Storyteller, Coding Enthusiast

International Bestselling Author of Detective Fiction. Still learning!


Who Stole The Vase?

Books by Shreyan Mishra

A Professor's Chinese Vase Has been stolen... who has stolen it?

Written in the noir backdrop of Kolkata, you venture in a short story narrated by the detective himself. You are inside his mind, you know how he is thinking...but do you know who is the actual culprit?

In this classic detective short story, you find yourself in the midst of a troubled couple, but there is a third person involved as well. Is he only a stude

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The Deadly Code

Books by Shreyan Kumar Mishra

The British left India years ago…but someone is trying to re-establish the rule…through the most treacherous of ways…

Kolkata, West Bengal: A female historian is found dead in her apartment. Historian Rudraprayag Sengupta is summoned and finds himself unwillingly dragged in the case, accompanied by a female IPS officer Gunjan Markande. And then, things start to get worse…

New Delhi: A member of the National Cyber-Sec

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