Deeksha Garg



Books by D. V. Aurora

Hope and her dilemmas is about love and dreams. It is a collection of thoughts on a certain day when it is hard to express.

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What if you don't express

Books by Deeksha Garg

Do you feel you need not express your feelings to others? Do you think people should understand you without you even saying anything? Do you think people don't understand you? Do you ever experience that your relationships are not working as expected even though you are putting in efforts?

This book helps you understand the power of expressing yourself to the world. It helps you make your relationships better with your loved ones, your family, your wor

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Movie date in PJs

By Deeksha Garg in Adventure | Reads: 2,954 | Likes: 2

"Hi babe, come downstairs", I got a call from my boyfriend. It was 11:30 am in the morning. It was a summer weekend. I had breakfast and was relaxing in my bed when i got the call. He was there outside my home. I was not expecting to see him today. There were no plans. I went to the balcony and look  Read More...

Published on Oct 30,2022 09:03 PM

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