
Public Speaker and writer
Public Speaker and writer

M.JAYAMOHANSRIRAJAN Is the famous young writer in tamilnadu.  He also excels in many fields. He also known as MJMS. Now he is studying at Bharadithaasan University Tiruchirapalli. He hope that many book coming out soon.... and also he known many fields ideas. He is run a YOUTUBE CHANNEL NAMED ( MJ Motivation successfully). Thanks for all of studiying this BIO. Read More...


Self confidence : the power in your life

Books by M.jayamohansrirajan

Today, when we read the lives of winners who have accumulated many successes and are sitting at the pinnacle of success, a difficult situation has developed in the lives of all winners. This book describes how they thought differently in that situation, faced the problem easily with their alternative thinking and succeeded with self-confidence. How self-reliance was needed in their lives. Self-confidence is very important in your successful career. And many sc

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லீகார் - ஒரே ஒரு கார்

By m.jayamohansrirajan in Science Fiction | Reads: 6,594 | Likes: 95

லீகார் தி ஒன்லி ஒன் கார்          ஜெர்மனியில் மாலை வேளையில் நீண்ட ஆறுகளுக்கு இடையே போடப்பட்டிருந்த   Read More...

Published on Jul 3,2022 07:51 PM

முதன் முதல் பறந்த பறவை

By m.jayamohansrirajan in True Story | Reads: 4,428 | Likes: 28

முதன் முதல் பறந்த பறவை  ஜி ஆர் கோபிநாத், இந்தியாவில் முதன்முதலில் குறைந்த கட்டணத்தில் விமான சேவையை வழங்கியவ  Read More...

Published on Jun 25,2022 08:29 PM

The Fisherman and the Businessman (My Favourite Motivational Story)

By m.jayamohansrirajan in Fantasy | Reads: 6,170 | Likes: 2

The Fisherman and the Businessman (My Favourite Motivational Story)Once upon a time there was a businessman who was sitting on the beach in a small Italian village. As he sat, taking a brief break from the stress of his daily schedule, he saw a fisherman rowing a small boat back into the harbour. In  Read More...

Published on Jun 25,2022 10:56 AM

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