
Poet, Playwright
Poet, Playwright


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Revolutions for Liberty

Books by Peddi Akhilesh

Revolutions of Liberty is a series of six plays depicting the many revolutions which have forged liberty and republics around the world.

Napoleon Bonaparte is the first of the six based on the famed French emperor's life.

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Tales of Valdug

Books by Peddi Akhilesh

Tales of Valdug is a series of plays that portray the happenings and endeavours of the people of Valdug, a curious sort.

Whispers of Winter is the first of the many to come. A comedy that dwells upon a harsh winter, in which sojourn, a broken vase, a gloomful party, a glamorous funeral, a mysterious letter, and a dozen curious souls. And what is to come, is nothing but a mouthful of laughter and a teacup of mystery.

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The Fundamental Entities

Books by Peddi Akhilesh

The world as we know it, is far different from its truth and secrets. this book discovers and finds the truth about the world we live in. It finds a mind-blowing relation between three manufactures of the Universe: Force, Mass and Energy and unravels the mystries of the Universe.

Until now, there have been discoveries of relations between force and mass or mass and energy. But this time, it is all in one big equation.

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A Thought of Laughter

By Akhilesh in Humour | Reads: 2,965 | Likes: 5

The summer to winter, the spring to autumn, the joy of childhood, where duty and pare of joyous toil, is a distant dream or a fairytale. A dream that shall last, none than a second, but a dream that shall last for ever at heart. The dream of childhood, where problems are masked with chocolates and p  Read More...

Published on Oct 20,2022 08:27 PM

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