Nadia Parvin Mou



In Vision’s Glory

Books by Nadia Pravin Mou

In Vision’s glory dreams shriek in fury to altruism. It is intellect’s drape where all found in ground some reasons’ anarchy. Though visions say of missions toward love, the Lord is revealed in mercy and glory together. Lives here have many shapes which say about the corporeal pain. The vision’s glory always meets toward the ethereal speak. In hope’s wing- the reality sings of pain-delight further. In vision’s glory in profo

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Souls Must Sing

Books by Nadia Parvin Mou

No knowledge the poet has - only
the experience of soul. The story of
dole and mate together evokes - the patience
of soul. A blooming flower does not mean
Its perfume but the reader persues - the trivial essence as the flowers must wither. The perfumes melt
in the air and would be vanished soon to its own

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A Book Of Rejoices

Books by Nadia Pravin Mou

When it was written - it seems to the poet minds are waking up in new heaven. Satan and the Lord together live in our soul to inspire and kindle. The Lord wishes to bless is it Satanic revenge? Ah! Human appease all souls to the Redeemer. Hill makes us to ride, glade makes us happy and chasm's depth is fea

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Words In Lap Of Love

Books by Nadia Parvin Mou

This is my book as Words In Lap Of Love a collection of many poems. There are many Poems which took the topics as Love, Romance, Life, Motivation and God etc. 

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