V Ram Praneeth


Every Beginning has an EndingThere is so much in BetweenWriting is a Passion, a ThoughtJoin me in Exploring the Stories and Insights within..Read More...


The Familiar Faces: Volume - 1

Books by V Ram Praneeth

We come across many incidents which impact us in some way. Familiar Faces, although purely fictional, portrays journey of individuals whom we might have seen, been with, loved, and been influenced by. The stories are mainly based on the human emotions and relationships. This is a compilation of prominent life-changing episodes in people's lives.

A man trying to find closure for his long-lost love. A woman trying to hold on to her beloved. A family that

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Finding Love Again

By V Ram Praneeth in Poetry | Reads: 847 | Likes: 0

If we are Lucky Enough to find Love Again, We should be Truthful Enough not to Wreck It, Sincere Enough make to Make It Strong, Caring Enough to Miss their Presence, Friendly Enough to Last Long, Devoted Enough to Love them as they Deserve.  Read More...

Published on Feb 16,2021 09:28 PM

Love in a Lifetime

By V Ram Praneeth in Poetry | Reads: 499 | Likes: 1

Love Shatters Fear,Love Assures Happiness,Love Demands Commitment,Love Expects Sacrifice,Love Denies Defeat,Love Embraces Pain,One Lifetime is never enough for Love.Such is the Magic of Love.Never Lose it,You may not find it Again.  Read More...

Published on Feb 15,2021 02:54 PM

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