Sunil Kumar Thakur

Author by Passion
Author by Passion

Sunil Kumar Thakur is an Indian author by passion. He completed Diploma in Tool & Die Making engineering at MSME Tool Room Kolkata (CTTC KOLKATA) and currently works in Indian Railways as an Assistant Loco Pilot. He is specialized in writing fiction stories includes Horror, Suspense, thriller and science fiction.Work: Indian RailwaysEducation: Diploma in Tool & Die Making from MSME Tool Room Kolkata (CTTC KOLKATA)Hometown: Muzaffarpur, BiharRead More...


The Paradox

Books by Sunil Kumar Thakur

What will you do when you are jailed for a murder without any fault? What will you do when your family, relatives and friends refuse to recognize you?

The Paradox is a gripping thriller that takes you on an unbelievable journey of a young man Abhimanyu, who is caught between the crimes without any fault. Abhimanyu goes through all these tough questions while saving his love and family. 

Can killing yourself be a way to keep yourself alive?

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कातिल ड्राइंग

Books by सुनील कुमार ठाकुर

भूत, प्रेत, साया, डायन आदि पर आप चाहे विश्वास करते हो या नहीं हो लेकिन उनके अस्तित्व को आप पूरी तरह नाकार भी नहीं सकते हैं। यह एक ऐसा विषय है जिसपर काफी बातचीत होती है लेकिन इसका सच

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